5 Key Edges of Being Positive

Carolyn Case
3 min readApr 25, 2018


Our hearts area unit sort of a safe within the energy bank of our bodies. We tend to every have our own security personnel within the style of a private energy field that protects us and determines however we tend to feel, suppose and performance. This energy field ensures the security of our hearts. And since energy is all over and in everything we must always learn the way to create in progress positive deposits into our happiness checking account. Yin Yoga offers athletes an opportunity to search out stillness within the mind and body.

I have studied the analysis yoga teacher training in India on the helpful effects of being positive and also the negative affects of being negative. The analysis is obvious. Yoga teacher extremely will pay to be positive and also the advantages area unit varied. The traditional yogis are teaching 200 hour yoga teacher training in Gokarna for thousands of years. Sutra 1.3 is translated as:

YTTC in Gokarna frees you from the drama, the tragedy, the heroic tale your mind creates and permits you to expertise your True Joyful Self…

We have a selection of yoga certification courses in India being positive. For each minute we tend to area unit angry, we tend to lose sixty seconds of happiness. We tend to should acknowledge as John Lembo says “Every waking moment we tend to check with ourselves concerning the items we tend to expertise. Our self-talk, the thoughts we tend to communicate to ourselves, successively management the approach we tend to feel and act.” thus the primary step is to remember of your mental habits. Thus typically we tend to don’t even understand we tend to routinely catastrophize and trigger the strain response as a result.

We have the ability to consciously develop a habit of yearning for the great YTTC in India. A habit wherever you’ll expect individuals to treat you in a very positive approach. Why? as a result of through the approach we expect and act we tend to teach others a way to treat us reciprocally.

Jen grey Blackburn writes, ‎”You can notice life a full ton easier if you’ll detain mind that the majority individuals area unit simply attempting to try to to the most effective they will.” As yogis, it’s our responsibility to decrease suffering and instead promote quality expressed as love and compassion. This successively strengthens our personal expertise of universal joy and happiness. Multi-style yoga teacher training is a wonderful thanks to cut back anxiety (and stress). Here square measure 5 ways in which yoga helps with anxiety

Here area unit five key advantages to inspire you to follow being positive from 200 hour YTTC at Shree Hari Yoga.

5 advantages of Being Positive:

Stress Reduction:

Yoga teacher training in Goa have positive thoughts counter the negative effects of stress. as an example, you can’t be glad and stressed at constant time.

Social Interaction:

Positive individuals have a lot of friends, that could be a key issue of happiness.


Marriages area unit far more doubtless to succeed once the couple experiences a five to one quantitative relation of positive to negative interactions whereas once the quantitative relation approaches one to one, marriages area unit a lot of doubtless to finish in divorce.

Performance at Work:

Positive individuals area unit able to see the large image, that helps them during 300 hour yoga teacher training in India, whereas negative individuals maintain a narrower perspective and have a tendency to specialize in issues. Yoga alliance certification have positive work environments surpass negative work environments. Within the geographical point positive individuals area unit a lot of doubtless to receive bigger support from their colleagues and as result receive pay raises and promotions a lot of oftentimes. (Several Studies)

Life Expectancy:

Positive individuals live longer.

Yoga teacher training in Dharamsala at Shree Hari Yoga and skill to rise especially odds into the place of pure lightweight, joy, and feeling. I used to be positively tempted to second guess myself and return to my day job with my proverbial tail between my legs, mendicancy for my job back.

Keep it positive!



Carolyn Case

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