5 Simple Reasons Your Car Transmission May Fail While Driving

Nicole Jensen
4 min readFeb 17, 2022


The prestige cars transmission is one of the most important components of your car that ensures the distribution of an adequate amount of engine power to your wheels when the car is moving. Car transmission can be quite expensive and is not easy to replace which is why you need to know the possible reason for transmission failure and how it can be prevented. There are some common warning signs you need to identify that can help you avoid expensive car transmission repair. Driving with a failing transmission is very risky and can also lead to a complete breakdown of the transmission. So let’s take a look at the causes of your car transmission failure, how it can be prevented, some common signs and possible action to take when your transmission fail.

Car Transmission Repair

Causes of Car Transmission Failure

Several things can cause transmission failure, just like every other mechanical issue. Every part of a car is mostly affected depending on how the car is being driven but the car transmission is more affected based on reckless driving.

Reckless Driving

Though that is not the only way, a sudden movement or acceleration from one traffic light to another will cause your car transmission to work more just to keep up with the movement and have to adjust shifting from one gear to another within a very short period.

Living in places with extreme weather conditions can also affect your car transmission failure.

Severe Cold

For instance, severe cold can cause seals to contract which can make them prone to leakage and the transmission fluid also become thick. This thickness can cause early tear and wear because the parts that are supposed to be lubricated won’t get the oil needed. Driving through snow can cause water to enter into the transmission and can result in damaging the transmission body. This can be prevented when you allow your engine to warm up before driving and by keeping your car away from places where snow or any other things that could get moisture to your transmission.

Severe Heat

Severe heat can affect transmission and overheating is one of the major causes of transmission failure in cars. The heat can damage or reduce the fluid capacity to lubricate parts that need lubrication which can lead to fluid leakage. You can’t drive your car once the transmission begins to slip and severe heat can cause the slip. Your transmission can also overheat when you use it to haul heavy loads that are more than the recommended capacity for your vehicle. To prevent your transmission from overheating due to hauling a heavy load you should consider using an auxiliary transmission fluid cooler.

prestige car transmission repair

Common Warning Signs Of Transmission Failure

Hot Burning Smell

If after driving your car and you start perceiving a hot burning smell coming from under your car, it is a warning sign. This is as a result of the friction between the metal gears in the transmission struggling to shift. Even if you drive for a short distance you can perceive the smell but you should note that this could also be a result of some other problem. This is why you need to get your car checked the moment you notice this sign.

Check Transmission Light

The check transmission light might be on as a result of a problem with your transmission or it can be an indication that your car is due for service. The light warning can be due to a rise in the temperature of the transmission fluid, a low level of the fluid or as a result of the pressure inside the transmission being much higher than normal. Driving your car with the warning light on will lead to paying an expensive amount for repair.

Leakage of Transmission Fluid

As part of transmission maintenance, you should always ensure there is no shortage of transmission fluid. This means you need to occasionally check to know if there is a shortage or need to add more. In case your car starts consuming more transmission fluid than usual it could be an indication the transmission is failing. The transmission compartment is sealed meaning it is supposed not to leak but in case you notice any fluid leakage under your car check the colour. Car makes use of various types of fluid so the ability to recognize them is very important. Red fluid leakage from your car implies there is a problem with your transmission. Once you can confirm fluid leakage from your transmission it is better to fix it immediately to prevent the transmission from breaking down.

Slipping Transmission

Though your engine might be responding when you start noticing some strange noise from your car during gear shifting or shifting of your car without any reason that is transmission slipping. The car started to jerk instead of experiencing a smooth-shifting when changing gears.


Prestige cars transmission repair can cost you a lot which is why you have to prevent it from breaking down. For any problem regarding your vehicle prestige cars and car one automotive can provide valuable tips and repair service. Whenever you notice any of the warning signs listed above you should take your car for immediate service to limit damage and prevent more expenses. Ignoring any of the signs will cause your car transmission to fail or lead to the wearing out of transmission gears.

ALSO READ: 12 Amazing Ways To Overcome Prestige Cars Costly Repairs



Nicole Jensen

Working as an Operations Manager at Car One Automotive, which is the ultimate one-stop Vehicle Sales & Servicing destination located in the area of Hendra.