If You Have Depression You Should Follow This Advice

3 min readJan 13, 2017


Depression can hit us all at one time or another. Sometimes it is a simple thing that we just need to work through, and at other times it requires a bit more help. Regardless of your situation, this article by Caron Whipple will provide some insight and tips on how you can deal with it.

Don’t be afraid to get help when you need it. The perfectionist thinking that goes along with depression, can often drive people to think that seeing a therapist for depression is a sign of weakness. But in fact, it’s just the opposite. Seeing a therapist means you’re facing the problem head-on and seeking a solution.

If you hope to take charge of your depression, you should start by remembering that you’re in control of the way that your mind thinks. Do not even say the word depressed. It is not a positive way to look at your feelings, and it can cause negative thinking. Try to replace the word with a phrase such as low mood to describe how you’re feeling and this can give you a better mood.

Try to avoid being alone in your saddest moments. Whether you are talking to a trusted friend or just watching television with your spouse, being together with another person can often help you to feel as though you are not holding on to this entire problem yourself and this will alleviate some of the pain.

When depression hits, take the time to count your blessings. No matter if you are sad, or possibly angry, be thankful for what you do have and what you have going for you. There are people in this world who would gladly exchange their place for yours and not take the gifts that you have been given for granted. With a gracious attitude and positive thoughts, depression cannot survive.

Avoid self medicating with over the counter or illicit drugs or alcohol. When people suffer from depression, they often think that drugs or alcohol will make them feel better, when in fact, it is just doing them more harm then good. In addition to depression, you can end up with even more serious addictions.

When struggling with depression, consider breaking up your routine. Experiencing the same routine, day after day, can become monotonous and eventually it will start to bring you down. Temporarily changing your routine can get you out of a rut and help to alleviate your depression. Try taking a day off from work and doing something you have never tried before.

See your doctor. Not only is depression a real disease on its own, it can also be a symptom of other underlying illnesses. Only your doctor will be able to tell you what type of depression you are suffering from or if your symptoms are caused by another ailment. In addition, while many forms of depression can be treated without medication, it can also be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain necessitating the use of medication for effective treatment.

Dealing with depression, be it for you or a friend or family member, isn’t always easy. If you can use the advice and tips that were given in this article, you should have a better understanding of what you can do and what you should avoid when dealing with it.

