Bundaberg taught me that music made with Love transcend any religious boundaries

Enso’ Karma
4 min readApr 2, 2023


By Alessandro Carosi

I worked in a factory and was the most horrible job I have done in my life by now I could still working there but Somehow circumstances gave me the opportunity to leave and to see the word since then has been an adventure after an other and I saved and collected the most valuable currency I could ever have …. Memories. For eight years I woke up at 5:00am in the morning, I would open my Mum shop at 6:00am and I would leave at 7:00am to be at work in a factory at 8:00am, I would finish at 5:00pm I would get my car I would be home by 5:40pm and back to the shop at 6:30pm, I would be in the shop until 8:00pm, Seven days a week except two Sundays off in a month.

I’ve done it for eight years and spent the quietest time in the shop reading, especially reading about travel books that made me decide I wanted to leave, I always been travelling within Europe but I reached a point after reading those books that I wanted to travel and work abroad and Since then I’ve been in the most beautiful adventures.

18 years passed and there are so much memories, there was a lot of struggles and suffering but those many memories again in those 18 years are priceless, if I die tomorrow I will have so many beautiful moments to be happy for.

My first stop was Australia and that’s where the story is going to start, it was in Bundaberg, Queensland, north of Australia that’s where I met one of the most important women of my life and meeting this woman transformed my existence in the stories I’m sharing nowadays, it’s because of her all those wonderful moments happened.

I moved to Bundaberg because my Uncle and my Auntie were farmers and I needed to work 3 months in a farm to renew my working holiday visa … ended up staying almost one year, the house was in the middle of nowhere they choose a hostel for me that would take me to work out to the farms and their farm.

Bundaberg was a very peaceful and quiet farming town, not much would really happen there then one day some Christians faithful came in our hostel trying to find new faithfuls for the church offering us free food after the service as excuse to get us there, what are my weakness? One of them have always been free food but what I would never imagine would happen was something that I never thought I would expect from a church, This church was different from what I was used to, Christians preach differently while Catholics are boring , live music boring everything they says it’s boring but for my big surprise, this branch of the Christian faith was of musical, a wonderful music that would touch your Soul, Priests could get married, no dress code and our Pastor had Tattoos, now don’t get me wrong ….. I didn’t become a Christian and I’m not now but I loved the way service and music was performed and joined almost every Sunday, It was for the food, music and the show.

The music would touch you and make you feel the Love and you didn’t need to be a religious man to feel it and I enjoyed the company of the people attending the service and food afterward but time to leave Bundaberg arrived and with Kaori my guardian Angel we decided to fly to Perth.

It was my last time at the Christian service and at the end of it ready to have my last free meal something happened that left me speechless and made a beautiful memory, the Pastor call my name and I was shocked cause how he knew and why me? ….. “Alessandro come here on stage please” so I made my way next to him and somehow he knew I was leaving Bundaberg and wanted to give me a gift being the only backpacker going to the service almost every Sunday and probably thinking I was converted, He asked me in front of everybody why I joined the service but I couldn’t tell him the truth so I made up a story that it wasn’t true but I knew would make him happy and would make everybody happy saying that I was glad to be there, so now I can’t really remember very well but was something like I was converted and that I truly enjoyed the music, I could never tell them that I was there initially for the free food but then it’s true it was for the music so he gives me one of the most beautiful gifts that was the best of Hillsong United songs of 2005 it was a pleasure for me and one of my wonderful memories that I will remember until my last day on Earth and until my brain will be able to remember, Christian music have been the soundtrack of my last 18 years and sometimes I do join Christian services listening to the music, remembering that I’m not just a body walking trough this lifetime but a Soul temporary living in a body and that my purpose it’s more than just what this broken society made me to believe when I was a child, this journey is much more and we are the writers of our own book.

