Digital Gold — the best place in the world to store gold.

4 min readSep 30, 2020

In this article I will tell you about the Digital Gold project, tell you its pros and cons, and compare it with other alternatives to investing money in gold.

The content of the article:

1. Introduction
2. Getting to know the project
3. Pros and cons of this project
4. Personal opinion about the project
5. Social networks of the project

Let’s get started!


And so, I think everyone has heard about gold and everyone has heard about the stability of this asset. Everyone has heard from friends, acquaintances, colleagues that you need to invest your money in gold, because it never falls in value and it is in gold that your money will be truly protected.

In this picture, we can see that gold, in the long term, is constantly growing:

There are drawdowns, but the rate still then grows even higher.

But, why is gold constantly growing?

  1. A limited amount of gold can be mined
  2. Difficult to mine
  3. There is no binding to any world currency

That is why gold is constantly growing, people have been investing their money there for many thousands of years to save their own funds, gold will constantly grow.

What do you need to invest in gold?

To start investing in gold, you need to get a certain permit for this, in some countries only a few can get it.
Next, you need to find a place where you will store your gold.
Also, you will need to pay an annual tax for storing gold.
Let’s say you keep your gold in a bank. Then, you will need to sign many papers, go through various checks and pay for using a safe deposit box for gold.

Many cannot afford all this and therefore people cannot invest in gold, but now a project has appeared that facilitates the entire investment process.
The name of this project is Digital Gold.

2. About project

Digital Gold — project, which offers you safe and secure gold storage without any restrictions.

Invest in gold with the GOLD token.
The token is fully pegged to physical gold. This token was created on the Ethereum platform, which allows you to instantly buy and sell your gold.
GOLD token provides complete anonymity and protects your assets from volatility and loss of value.

1 GOLD token = 1 GRAM of physical GOLD 99.99%.

The reliability of the coin is guaranteed, because the number of coins is exactly equal to the number of real gold, which is stored in a reliable vault.

The amount of real gold in the treasure can be checked at any time here:

You can buy or sell coins here:

GOLD coin price:

3. Pros and cons of this project


  1. Reliability.
    The token is fully pegged to real gold, which ensures good project reliability.
  2. Confidentiality.
    To start storing gold in this project, you do not need to provide any data about yourself.
  3. High liquidity.
    At any time on the project’s marketplace, you can buy or sell your own coins.
  4. No commissions.
    0% commission when transferring coins to another wallet.


After analyzing the entire project, I did not find more than one drawback of this project, as if everything is perfect there.

4.Personal opinion about the project

I was very skeptical about such projects, because many projects tried to make a coin that would be completely tied to gold and no one could do it.

But, Digital Gold really did it. I see no reason not to use this project if you want to invest in gold. This is the easiest way to invest in gold.

I have been using the project for several months now and investing money in gold. Everything is very convenient and easy, I think this is the main thing.

In general, if you want to start investing money in gold, then you definitely should not skip this project.

Also, the GOLD coin can be used exclusively for transferring funds without any commissions, it is also a very useful function.

5. Social networks of the project:

Medium | Bounty campaign | BTT |
Web-Site | White paper | Twitter |
Telegram Steemit YouTube Reddit

Article creator:

BTT profile: Yaroslav2302

