Letter #1: Seeking Adventure Beyond the Routine

3 min readOct 20, 2023


Lessons from My Basement

Photo by Sharad Kachhi

Dear friend,

I hope you’re doing well these days.

Lately, I’ve been lost in thought, especially daydreaming about a new job. Imagine a job that allows us to work from anywhere and promises endless adventures.

Sounds dreamy, right?

I mean, with all the technology we have today, the whole work-travel dream isn’t just a beta version of life anymore.

We can break free from the 9–5 nightmare, can’t we?

I can’t get this idea out of my head, thinking it’s the key to happiness and fulfillment. I bet you’ve thought about it too.

Deep down, don’t we all scream for adventures, purpose, freedom and meaningful connections?

Recently, I stumbled upon a quote that shifted my perspective:

“Your outer environment may have changed, but your body will always believe its internal chemistry more than its external conditions, so it remains emotionally locked into your old state of being.”

It got me thinking… maybe it’s not just about where we are physically. I mean, even in the coziest settings, we can feel trapped in a repetitive cycle. So, is moving or changing jobs really the answer?

I’m 31 now, still living with my parents, and sometimes it feels like life is passing me by. Working from that basement has given me a lot of time to reflect. I’ve had this urge to just pack up and explore new places or maybe even settle somewhere abroad. Anything seemed better than that basement. But after diving into some self-improvement stuff, I started wondering if it’s not so much about where I am, but how I see things.

The mindset is everything!

I knew I wanted more from life, and it was time to do something about it. I started with small changes, consistent changes.

Here’s what I’ve been up to:

  • Taking a break from social media.
  • Going to the gym.
  • Journaling my thoughts.
  • A bit of meditation.
  • Reading different stuff.
  • And even just taking short, refreshing morning walks.

The results?

Surprisingly effective. I’ve been watching less TV, cut down on the binge-watching, and I’m not glued to social media anymore. I feel more focused, more creative.

It’s like I’m slowly optimizing myself, you know?

Now, I’m trying to appreciate what I have right now before dreaming of jet-setting everywhere. These small changes have opened up so many new perspectives for me.

We don’t have to feel stuck. We can change things up if we’re willing to challenge ourselves.

And guess what?

I’m here, writing this, sharing my thoughts with you. If you’d told me this a while back, I’d have laughed!

Anyway, life’s all about learning, growing, and iterating, no matter where we are or what we’re doing.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

And always remember, we never know what’s out there unless we dive into the unknown.

Catch you later!




Software Engineer | Creative Developer >> Exploring Art & Design with Tech