Carpfield is the future to growth

2 min readNov 16, 2022

How do you stand out in a crowd where every business is doing the basics to receive funding? Build your own strategy. Getting funded isn’t new but what has changed in recent years is that it’s not rewarding to just secure funds among your friend and associated, you have to stretch your potential through pitching an investor.

On the face of it this might seem odd — Carpfield already has a thriving and incredible investment clubs. The secret is that while their vetting procedures are excellent — and will continue independently — they’re focused on growing existing businesses and startups. And even more importantly it can help grow your business.

Growing your business sounds like a magic trick but it’s a reality for many startups and high growth businesses who serve customers in fast changing industries. So Carpfield’s real rationale for the connection basically boils down to this: the more businesses that care about building their potential, the more potential investment clubs Carpfield has. Turns out connecting to a potential investor helps grow your business.

And Carpfield are far from alone — there are more and more successful businesses across the spectrum that have recently acquired investment funding.

Carpfield might be one of the best connectors of the tangible value of building strong businesses. Long before we extended to entrepreneurs, our growth plans all focused on startups. For starters we coined the phrase “cross-border investment” — inventing a whole new category to contrast with old-school “loans”. Once we carved out our own category, we started to build a movement around it with tools, business, and funds. This sense of being part of a revolutionary movement made businesses blossom out of every single business that joined our network.

So how does one grow their business through partnership with an investor? It only works when it’s completely authentic. You have to allow getting connected to your like mind. Which is why we’re seeing more and more businesses get connected.




Carpfield is a new way for startups to approach potential investors and partners.