Are QR codes really all that?

Eden Carr
3 min readApr 9, 2024


QR codes are such a fascinating thing to learn about. I think QR codes are one of the coolest things ever. To be able to just scan something and it leads you to where you exactly need to be. QR codes are extremely useful, especially for people that have a hard time finding things. For example, the older generation have a harder time googling things but with a QR code it can lead them exactly to where they need to be without them having to take the time to google. I did know about QR-AR before this week but not the details of it. The only experiences I have with QR-AE is just having to scan things in class to complete assignments or get people’s contact information.QR-AR is used in college everywhere. Teachers will use it for attendance, contact information, or even for students to get to a certain website being used in class. It is used in so many various ways. I think QR-AR is such a useful tool for everyone in the world, it’s not only useful for people in school.

The chapter I chose to read in reading activity two was chapter six. I was drawn to this chapter because I wanted to learn more about what they had to say about engaging and exciting students with tech-friendly tasks. What I gather from this chapter is that in order to start to grab students’ attention you need to give them a hook. By them starting out with just scanning a QR code is interesting because what is it gonna lead them to. Or another example they use in the chapter is how students can color a coloring page and then scan it once it’s completed. Once you scan it the image comes alive and starts the movie on your technology screen. By doing things like this it keeps kids interested and wants to learn more and more each day, learning is exciting.

In the article Beyond AR vs. VR: What is the Difference between AR vs. MR vs. VR vs. XR? I read about virtual reality because I am very interested in that topic. I found that even though we humans know it is fake what we are doing in the virtual reality space we still feel all the emotions. In the article they use an example on how walking a plank high up in the sky and many people with a fear of heights still can’t do it even though it is fake. Virtual rea;lity feels so real and you can feel all the same effects if you were actually in a real life situation of what you are doing. If you need further detail on virtual reality, scan the QR below. It gives a great explanation on virtual reality and why we feel the way we do when using it.

