NASA images show an object 100 times larger than Earth coming out of the Sun

Carick Gary
2 min readAug 22, 2018


The Sun is a portal for civilizations from other worlds, which use a form of hyperdimensional mathematics based on sacred geometry . No doubt it is a really interesting theory, which was disclosed by Corey Goode, former member of a supposed secret space program. According to Goode, during his six-year service in a scientific research spacecraft belonging to the Warden Solar Space Program, he witnessed how they sent probes to sunspots to study the composition and behavior of our nearest star.(100 times larger than Earth coming out of the Sun)

What they discovered surprised the scientific community, which until that time believed that the Sun was a giant generator of nuclear fusion. Instead, it was confirmed that it was electrical in nature, whose plasma bursts acted as interdimensional portals that allowed extraterrestrial civilizations to enter and leave our solar system. No doubt it is one of those revealed stories that gives us to think and could also show how NASA deceives us, letting us know what they want, simply while working on their secret investigations. But thanks to technology we already have tools to question your claims. And this has been the case of a video that was recently published on the Internet that has provoked all kinds of reactions in the conspiracy community.(100 times larger than Earth coming out of the Sun)

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