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A library of AI reading for government

Getting up to speed on what’s going on with AI in government.

Carrie Bishop
2 min readNov 27, 2023


I recently published my thoughts on AI in government, and why I think now is the time to get creative about the potential use cases. I’m sharing my reading list and I’ll continue to update it as I find more helpful resources. Please also recommend anything you’ve found especially good.

Some city and state policies

I kind of want to rate all these. Sadly, most are governing the use of AI rather than setting out a vision.


California did a big report

New Jersey has done a policy and an explainer video

NYC’s AI strategy from 2021 — special mention for actually having a vision

San Jose



London’s (UK) Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI) guidance for local authorities

*New!* Scotland’s AI Strategy (thanks to Lewis McLachlan for sharing)

Federal and International things

US Federal Government’s inventory of uses of AI across its departments

Biden’s Executive Order regulating AI

The Bletchley Declaration on making AI safe

UK — the central government AI website

UK ‘guidelines for secure AI system development’

*New!* Iceland is doing a cool language preservation project with OpenAI

General AI understanding

This thoughtful and easy to read blog series is a great start

Bill Gates gives a glimpse into where AI could take us.

a16e’s AI canon pulls together a lot of reading that can help anyone get up to speed on the jargon, and the technology.

Special call out for this long read on What is ChatGPT doing… and why does it work?

Coursera has a bunch of courses on AI that are easy to access. I enjoyed this one on prompt engineering from Vanderbilt University.

Other government related reading

A more tempered take from the Beeck Center at Georgetown University, with a good list of further reading.

Bonus: this is amazing, and the possibilities are endless (h/t Dominic Campbell).

I’m planning a separate post on public sector projects that are currently underway and being shared openly. If you have examples, send them my way! LinkedIn (AKA Business Facebook) is probably the best channel. Also thinking about doing a mini series of interviews with cities grappling with AI — those at the forefront, and those facing barriers. Give me a shout if you’d be up for taking part.



Carrie Bishop

Previously: MSx Sloan Fellow at Stanford GSB; Chief Digital Services Officer for the City of San Francisco; Director / Co-owner @FutureGov, sold to @TPXImpact