Carrie Feigel Bischke
1 min readFeb 22, 2019


Hi Eugene,

I somehow stumbled upon your post today and just wanted to offer some warm wishes and encouragement from a stranger. I hope that’s ok. Good for you for taking the time you need to reflect, rediscover, and reset. I can relate to the pressure and the “imposter syndrome” that you were feeling. Almost everyone feels like they aren’t good enough or smart enough or that they are a fraud in some way and everyone is soon to find out. There will always be someone smarter or more successful and we unfairly compare ourselves to them. I always try to spot that unfairness and call myself out to correct that internal dialogue. Instead of comparing, I shift my thinking to admiring and learning from my peers successes and great ideas and let them expand my perspective. We learn and grow from every “failure” and those lessons equip us for future success. As you reevaluate your identity, perhaps focus on your passion instead of your abilities. You can very likely learn the skills you need to pursue your passion but you’re not likely to find true fulfillment if you choose your path based on abilities alone. You have lots of time to make things happen. :) Honestly, most of us feel lost much of the time on the life-long pursuit to that sweet spot where our values, skills, and passions align. You’re not alone. Wishing you all the best on your journey.

