Design Thinking Workshop @MyiCellar 2018

Carrie Lau
3 min readFeb 27, 2019


Last month, a one day design-thinking workshop was hosted by me at the office. It lasts about one hour and a half, a relaxed atmosphere, pairing up with some different kinds of red wine. I was pleased to see everyone enjoying, feeling comfortable while learning design thinking with me in this workshop.

The design thinking workshop was inspired by what I have learnt last year during Design Thinking In Asia, I also took reference from the one hosted by Justin Ferrell of Stanford d. School. You may checkout the video here.

He is a career journalist specializing in organizational behavior and design, his design thinking workshop provided me a lot of insights, especially how to make it not BORING!

Design Thinking workshop hosted by me

Instead of doing the Yes And section, I organised the workshop, beginning with drawing our neighbour by doing so, it involves participants using their observation, questioning skills and a bit of imagination.

Thank you my sis for supporting me and good to see my boss enjoyed it too!

The workshop followed by explaining the design thinking process to the team, and walk through each stage of process with them. The workshop is not aiming audiences to experience each stage of process in depth but rather to have a glimpse of what’s going on in during different stage and looking back the whole process holistically during the summary section.

Design Thinking Process

The exercise of designing an ideal wallet allowed the team get to understand the feeling of “getting to know others” as well as the art of talking with users in real life situation. How do we connect ourselves with end users, how can we tell their change of emotions, how do we frame the problem in each abstract concept, what values do they hold?

HMW Canvas

I used the above example to explain the idea of HMW to the team and each group get to create their own HMW canvas and shared their findings with the team.

What is the killer proposition in each product

The workshop finish with a review / summary of what I have walked through with the team today and the reason of why we should incorporate design thinking in our team. Metrics of using it and most importantly how do we embrace the divergent and convergent side of team’s conversation.

