Notice the Lone Trees

Kiki Carr
8 min readMar 27, 2019

We could all take a lesson from Bill Lishman — the man who in my opinion, lived his life fully without boundaries.

You may know him as the man who inspired the movie Fly Away Home, or from his book Father Goose, or as the man who not only became the first person to lead the flight of geese with an aircraft, but also the first to conduct an aircraft-led migration of birds. But these, my friends, are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Bill and what we can learn from him. These are just a few examples of how he lived and saw life differently than the rest of us. I admired this man as a creatively generous artist and genius (from afar). Although he is a Canadian and international legend, I feel it’s my duty to share more about the way he inspires my life continually.

I knew of him. I knew of his greatness. I knew of his talents. The day I realized that this remarkable man actually lived in my region, was like winning the lottery. He lives here of all places!?

This is when I began to share all about Bill to my husband. He just had to know about him, and I just had to talk about him.

“This soul, who is gracing our community with his presence, is currently living in an underground energy efficient-sustainable-engineered-homestead-gift to the earth, that he designed and built himself!”



Kiki Carr

Writer in Ontario | Hiker | Tea Drinker | Writing about seasonal slow living musings & poetry | Find more at