30 Facts about me

Jule experiments
3 min readJun 3, 2024


… to celebrate my 300 subscribers milestone

photo by Levi Guzman at Unsplash

Today I celebrate several milestones with you:

  • Thanks for 300 subscribers. It means a lot to me.
  • This is my 90th post here.
  • If you prefer to follow me on my new Substack instead, use this link. Starting today I´ll crosspost all upcoming posts. It´s very likely that I´ll start experimenting with creating other types of content there during the second half of the year.

Like two-thirds of my subscribers have subscribed this year. So I want share 30 facts about me to celebrate these milestones. I publish a new post every weekend. Most of my posts go online Saturday or Sunday, but sometimes real life happens. So very now and then I post on Friday or Monday instead.

  • I am 33 years old.
  • I live on of the largest towns in the state of Saxony, Germany.
  • I don´t own a property and have 0 intention to change that.
  • I couldn´t survive without a dishwasher at home.
  • I have lived in my current single-room studio apartment for more than 3 years. My partner and I are hunting for a larger apartment for living together these days.
  • I am not married and we have 0 intention to change that.
  • I am childfree we have 0 intention to change that.
  • My current partner was one of my flatmates during our university studies.
  • I have a formal degree as Master of Science in Biotechnology, but don´t work in that industry anymore.
  • These days I am working as Customer Service Assistent for a laboratory service provider who´s main clients are in the semiconductor industry.
  • I am a PKM nerd who has experimented with more than 10 PKM apps so far.
  • I love nerding about PKM.
  • I love nerding about stationary.
  • I don´t function without my morning journaling routine.
  • I have 7+ years of experience with bullet journaling.
  • You barely see me without a journal within my arms reach.
  • I am great at planning stuff, but perform poorly with execution of them.
  • I am a plant mum of 11 pots with 18 plants in total.
  • I have more introvert tendencies in real life, but I am a total extrovert online.
  • I have collected a lot of allergies and food insensitivities during my life.
  • I am slightly overweight for my 1,75m height.
  • I have very strong FOMO tendencies.
  • I had my last “proper” holiday was when I was 17. After graduating from university I wanted to pay back my study debt first and then COVID and an extented period of unemployment happened.
  • I am minimalist by the physical amount of posession, but struggle with making the next mental shifts.
  • I have a very poor short-term memory.
  • Every now and then I enjoy doing handycrafts like crocheting, beadwork, diamond painting etc.
  • I prefer abstract art over figurative art.
  • I am struggling with mental health for an extended period of time and might have some ADHD tendencies.
  • My biggest challenges are all related to resting and taking breaks.
  • I enjoy going to the zoo.

I hope this is somewhat fun for you. You´ll read from me again next weekend.



Jule experiments

female in her early 30s seaching for meaning in life, scientist, minimalist, abstract artist, creator. Twitter profile: @juleexperiments