Life had other Plans for me

Jule experiments
2 min readMay 20, 2024


photo by Nsey Benajah at Unsplash

As some of you might know, I have a busy schedule this month. I put a lot on my plate. But last Wednesday everything changed out of the blue. I got an almost emergency surgery because of a hernia.

So I had to cancel like 70% of my initial plans for this month. I got kicked out of the hospital the next day, whereas normally people stay two or three days there with that diagnosis. Now I´m stuck alone at home in my bed, with the necessity that by boyfriend visit me every day for stuff like laundry, cooking or taking care of the dishwasher.

For the self-reliant, independent, productive me it´s a disaster. Because of restrictions concerning how much I am allowed to lift for the next three months I´m not even allowed to do the weekly grocery haul alone for like two months. Pretty frustrating, to be honest.

One thing that keeps my sanity these days is my trusted bullet journal. I´ve simplified it back to the basics, created a checklist for stuff I need to cancel, and reflected on how this has happened and how I can avoid such a situation again. I helps me to slow down my monkey mind and accepting the situation as it is.

After five days lying in bed alone, I get some cabin fever. I want to walk around the block, but I still need a lot of painkillers. So, sadly, this is out of the question.

What do I learn out of this? Mostly that I should be far more selective with what I let into my life. I need to expand the use of minimalist principles more in my everyday life and need to find meaning in small things again. I also have to work on my mindset, which I´ll do with some journaling exercises and becoming more picky with what projects I let into my life.

And most of all: I need to allow myself to have fun. I tend to identify as human productivity doing very often. I do a lot, I read a lot (non-fiction), I revamp my PKM… I need to so see this medical issue as a chance to slow down and allownig myself to binge anime, reading fiction… So these days I read at least 2 hours in the Song of Ice and Fire series every day.



Jule experiments

female in her early 30s seaching for meaning in life, scientist, minimalist, abstract artist, creator. Twitter profile: @juleexperiments