migrating from Evernote to Amplenote

Jule experiments
4 min readApr 16, 2023


picture provided by Convertkit at Unsplash

If you read my articles during the last weeks and months, you have noticed that I was struggling with my system for personal knowledge management (PKM) a lot. I loved a few features, but my system with Evernote (EN) was broken, as well as the app was broken by itself. My then-system was like 90% of a filling cabinet and 10% of functional or actionable notes.

With being in the productivity app space for several years, it took me just two days to find my next main PKM app. I decided on Amplenote (AN) and bought the subscription just four days after using it for the first time ever. Now, as I write the first draft of this article, I am using Amplenote for like two weeks and still love it.

During my migration journey, I followed a few rules to keep my new system slim. I added a few folders on Google Drive to my system in order to keep the number of notes low and the system simple. I rarely used the export and import features of both apps in order to be very mindful concerning what stuff is worth a note on its own and what is not. I simply used the daily-jots feature for copying/pasting the most useful content excepts, including the links to the actual websites. Together with the table of contents feature these long daily-jots are extremely useful and I can create my own notes out of them within seconds.

Approx. 90% of my notes ended up as files stored on google drive. Everything which felt like the chance of using it would be below 20% I just exported that way. To my surprise, these notes were far more than I´d guessed before. I guess I ended up creating approx. 500 new pdfs. And with the OCR within google drive I don´t need to care whether these pdfs are from handwritten notes (like digitized journals) or not.

For my writing and my job hunt-related documents I had to tweak my system a bit, as AN has no folder structure. You have to create your “folder” structure using tags, which can have up to three levels. This is enough for me. For reference: with EN you just had twolevels of organization in that way.

My goal was to migrate to the new system as soon as possible. I was tired of the fact that EN wasn´t able to sync to mobile stuff I changed on my computer weeks ago. And my schedule with online training didn´t require a lot of attention during that week, so I spend half of the time creating PDFs and other migration-related tasks.

Finally, just one week after trying out AN for the first time, I was confident enough with my new system to unsubscribe from EN and delete my account officially. To be honest, I procrastinated on that for two days. But after it´s done, I am relieved. It´s over now.

Here are a few features which I love about AN (pro)

  • pro price tag: same range as EN
  • bidirectional linking
  • fast syncing between Android and PC (usually within <1 min)
  • useful keyboard shortcuts
  • feels like a hybrid of a functioning version of EN, Obsidian, and a calendar
  • shortcuts for tasks, including scheduling options
  • drag and drop tasks into your (google) calendar
  • general approach (daily-jots, notes, tasks) reminds me of bullet journaling
  • supportive Discord server
  • web clipping add-on for Firefox
  • sufficient file support for pdfs and pictures
  • copy/paste tables into a note
  • The table of contents feature within any note

There are a few challenges as well, which feel like a stretch zone for me

  • no folders, but using tags instead
  • no desktop app yet, just access from my browser or Android devices
  • developing a functioning tag system
  • getting used to their web clipper
  • Learning the new shortcuts and new possibilities… I guess I´ll still need additional two weeks until I can use the majority of the features.

After using Amplenote for approx. one month now I still love it. I am slowly tweaking my system one step at a time, as I have a lot of inboxes and now struggle a bit. My basic system works, and now my goals are slowly moving toward efficiency. These are a few points where I am experimenting:

  • repeated tasks: time block in google calendar using Amplenote where I can cross the task off
  • finding a system concerning where I put which idea
  • reducing the chance of adding the same idea/task into my system twice
  • start using the calendar in AN
  • slowly read through 1000(?) “maybe I´ll use them” clippings in my read-it-later app
  • adapting my journaling routine / experimenting with doing parts of my journaling digitally
  • still want to try out if the AN app works on my E-ink tablet
  • experiment with adding photos or screenshots of important stuff to the daily jot
  • trying out if the OCR works for my handwriting as well
  • creating useful checklists and templates

So for now I am fine. I have system which works and is still better then Evernote. So I see forward tweaking it and will give you an update in a few weeks or months.



Jule experiments

female in her early 30s seaching for meaning in life, scientist, minimalist, abstract artist, creator. Twitter profile: @juleexperiments