Why I bought an E-ink tablet

Jule experiments
2 min readFeb 25, 2023


photo by Tyler Franta at Unsplash

When I tell people that I bought an E-ink tablet these questions pop up. I want to answer them step by step:

Why do you want to use an old-fashioned screen?

I love the Kindle devices screen for its eye-friendliness. I read mostly directly before going to bed and spend a lot of time in front of normal screens throughout the day, so I want something better for my eye-sight in the long run

Any (XYZ) tablet has better specs, isn´t it a waste of money?

No. I never regularly used a normal tablet; most of the time, they just collected dust. I tried it out twice, but traditional tablets are just not my cup of tea. This tablet specifically fulfills these needs:

  • I can take handwritten notes for specific topics/projects and export them to Evernote with just 3 clicks. This makes it unnecessary to have 20 physical journals at once. I can design my page backgrounds/templates on a computer and send them to the device.
  • I can edit PDFs by adding handwritten notes and exporting these to Evernote.
  • I can access Evernote, the Kindle app, and my read-it-later app from this device, as long as I have a connection to the internet.
  • I can use it as a sketchbook when I am in the mood for drawing
  • I can use it as an alternative to my Kindle when I need a larger screen.

Isn´t your Kindle enough?

  • No. Sometimes the screen of the Kindle is just too small for my taste. I need something bigger when I have books written in a more difficult language or when I want to add a lot of notes. Now and then I have problems with making more complex graphics and the explanation text visible at the same time. I miss the ability to handwrite into Kindle ebooks 2, which isn´t even given by the Kindle scribe in a syncing, reliable manner.

You are a minimalist, why do own four technical devices?

These four items are a smartphone, a laptop, a Kindle, and an E-ink tablet. All of them make my life easier and replace other items like paper, a physical alarm clock, 100ds of paper books, journals… you name it. I still prefer items like a physical bullet journal to some extent, but using electronic devices makes tons of stuff a lot easier and save a massive amount of physical space.

I can say that like 90% of my handwritten notes and drawings on paper get digitized within one month and then thrown away. Stepwise I want to integrate more digital note-taking with the E-ink tablet into my system and reduce the amount of paper I use daily this way.



Jule experiments

female in her early 30s seaching for meaning in life, scientist, minimalist, abstract artist, creator. Twitter profile: @juleexperiments