2 min readSep 11, 2020

The Basics of Touch Screen Devices
device icon courtesy by iconfair

Here are some of the basics of touch screen devices and why they have become all the rage in mobile technology. These touch screen devices offer a wide range of media playback, entertainment and internet capability through Wi-Fi and 3G connectivity.Touch screen systems are being used in a variety of applications, including P.O.S. systems, public information displays, Mobile devices industrial control systems, and more. Lets start with the basics of touch screen technology so we all know the starting point of understanding of touch screen devices.

A touchscreen system is made up of a touch sensor, a controller card, and a software drive. Touch screen devices are suitable for a wide variety of computing applications. Let us look at some of the best examples of touch screen devices and the type of touch screen technology they use. Many companies also offer user interface design services which may include Multi Touch screen technology in their new touch screen devices. Multi-touch sensor lets you register multiple Touch points, use all fingers, or both hands.

The future use of multi-touch technology is expected to rapidly become common place. Jeff Han is a research scientist for New York University’s (NYU) Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, and one of the main developers of an “interface-free” touch-driven computer screen. Jeff Han has formed a start up company to market the Multi-Touch screen, called Perceptive Pixel, Inc. Jeff Han speaks about his opinions on Multi-Touch technology, the iPhone, and more at Nextfest every year. Multi-Touch systems are inherently also able to accommodate multiple users simultaneously, which is especially useful for collaborative scenarios such as interactive walls and tabletops. Touch screen devices that use Multi-Touch technology are becoming common place. All major companies are researching touch screen devices since there has been such sales growth in the last fiscal year.