Puke on Digital Parchment: The Globohomo Art Style

Carson Gray Hall
3 min readDec 12, 2022


The term “Globohomo” has been used to describe a specific aesthetic that has become prevalent in modern advertisements. This aesthetic, often referred to as the “Globohomo art style,” is characterized by the use of clean, geometric shapes and bright, bold colors. It has become a dominant presence in advertisements, particularly in the tech and lifestyle industries.

But where did this aesthetic come from, and why has it become so pervasive in modern advertising? Many attribute the rise of the Globohomo art style to the influence of minimalist design in the tech industry. The clean, geometric shapes and bright colors of this aesthetic are often associated with modern, high-tech products and services.

One notable example of the Globohomo art style can be seen in Apple’s advertising campaigns. The company’s iconic white aesthetic, paired with bold, geometric shapes and bright colors, is a prime example of the Globohomo aesthetic. This style has become so closely associated with the brand that it has become a defining characteristic of Apple’s visual identity.

However, not everyone is a fan of the Globohomo art style. Some critics argue that it lacks creativity and originality, and can be seen as a kind of “corporate art” that is mass-produced and generic in nature. In a world that is already saturated with advertisements, the Globohomo art style can be seen as just another bland, uninspired presence.

Examples of Globohomo Art (appsqb.blogspot.com)

But it’s not just critics who have taken issue with the Globohomo art style. Many consumers have also expressed frustration with the way that it is used in advertising. Many advertisements featuring this aesthetic rely heavily on slogans and buzzwords, rather than engaging visuals or compelling storytelling. This can make the ads feel shallow and inauthentic, leading to a lack of trust and engagement from consumers.

So what can be done about the Globohomo art style blighting advertisements? Some have suggested that companies should focus on creating more original, creative visuals that truly engage and resonate with consumers. By moving away from the bland, generic aesthetic of the Globohomo art style, advertisers can create more authentic and engaging advertisements that truly connect with their audience.

In conclusion, the Globohomo art style may have its roots in the influence of minimalist design in the tech industry. However, its pervasive presence in modern advertising has been met with criticism from both critics and consumers alike. To create more engaging and authentic advertisements, companies should consider moving away from the bland, generic aesthetic of the Globohomo art style and focus on creating original, creative visuals.

