Carter Feldman
Carter Feldman

zk maximalist on a mission to build a trustless internet

twitter: @cmpeq

github: @cf

former aliases: treebl/teh1337/XeCarter

some stuff i made when i was a kid

ModPE - world's first and most popular minecraft modding platform and scripting engine for mobile devices (20m+ installs)

JTAGRPC - first rpc framework for xbox360 consoles

iOS RTE - first iOS Debugger + RTE for windows hosts

first rce exploit on xbox360 & ps3 - execute code on a remote retail console that joins a modified console's game session

first xbox360 & ps3 worm - spread code payload from unmodified consoles to other unmodified consoles (known as retail to retail or R2R), uses above rce exploit

symbol porting engine for IDA - auto-adds debug symbols cross idb/architecture/executable using fuzzy matching (for those annoying times when you have an alpha/beta build with debug symbols, but need to reverse engineer the latest production binary ;P)

Carter Feldman

Carter Feldman

reformed hacker, security/zk researcher and founder of the qed protocol