DIY Turmeric Face Mask for a Glowing Skin

Casada Uk
1 min readMay 26, 2019


Turmeric face mask: Skip the drugstore and create your own DIY Turmeric face mask at home! You probably even have the right ingredients on hand in your kitchen already. For powerful acne-fighting spot treatment, mix a teaspoon of Turmeric and ½ teaspoon of raw, organic honey. For dull, dry skin, combine a tablespoon of Turmeric with a tablespoon each of water and apple cider vinegar. Massage this exfoliating mask gently onto the skin, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse and pat dry. There are many easy combinations you can try, depending on the problem you want to address!

Always exercise caution when applying fresh Turmeric powder to your face or skin. Because of its bright yellow pigmentation, Turmeric can temporarily stain your skin or leave behind a little bit of residue. This is totally normal and can be fixed with a small amount of facial cleanser or soap. Before using a Turmeric natural health ingredients mask on your face, we suggest testing a small patch on your forearm first. If you notice any redness or irritation after 24 hours, you may be allergic to Turmeric.

