What do Women In Tech have to say? @Web Summit ‘21

3 min readNov 9, 2021


In this latest edition of Web Summit, we wanted to hear what women have to say about their role in technology, society and in the world.

We pulled out the recorder and entered the Women In Tech lounge to meet and listen to them, about what they do and how they think.

We spoke to six women from the “four corners of the world” and gathered powerful insights into what remains to be done and what has already been done in this field.

Dee Omar — BurnBright — Coach and Speaker:

Honestly, I don’t think there should be a difference between being a woman or a man in tech. The fact that this organisation needs to happen, says that we have some work to do. In my ideal future, there’s no difference by my gender, either I work in tech or not.

Rina Naor — BridgeIT — Co-founder:

The solution to have more women in tech It’s only to get their husbands to be equal partners when raising the family. Very simple: if men could go early to take their kids at school there will be more women in tech.

Fahen Carvalho — Share @tudodeshare — Head de Criação e Relacionamento:

The Women in Tech universe says that we have an important role as women, not only in the market, but specifically in companies development. We are conquering this path, as can be seen by the programming of the Web Summit, as well as the prominent space, which is already representative enough: we are present!

Liudmila Titova — MT.A — Founder:

I feel some support and respect, especially in Portugal. Before, to be a woman in tech was very hard. Sometimes you really have to prove that you are more than just a pretty woman and you are really interested in doing some big stuff. I still feel this misunderstanding in society that women shouldn’t work so hard or be involved in a profession, but when you have passion you can do anything. I’m really grateful that people started to talk about this without making a gender distinction, but rather talking about the quality of professionalism and how you do your stuff.

Last but not least, we also asked two #casafarians what they think about Women in Tech. Get to know Cátia Francisco and Paula Piza’s vision.

Cátia Francisco — CASAFARI — People & Culture Manager:

Being a woman in tech allows me to have a voice on the edge of the future and innovation. It represents a movement and an empowerment towards a more balanced and equal society.

Paula Piza — CASAFARI — Business Operations Manager:

CASAFARI is the exception to the rule as regards the presence of women in the labour market. Not only in the number of women who are part of the company but also in top management positions, with more than half of women taking the lead.

Thanks to all women who work for labour equity and give the extra mile for excellence.

Give them a clap!

Author: Daniela Carmo




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