Anatomy of a Snare Drum

Cascio Music
3 min readOct 24, 2017

Snare Month is in full force here at Cascio, and to celebrate we are taking a look at what makes a snare such an integral part of your drum set up. The snap and pop of the snare can make or break your back beat, and if you don’t have a solid pulse, things can go south real fast. So without further ado, here is the anatomy of a snare.


The snare has a few defining attributes that make it tick. The shell is like the drum’s skin. The drum head is like it’s brain, and the snare wires are the heart. You’ve got the tension rods, and hoops which are kind of like the skeletal system. When you flip on the snare gate, the drum comes to life, giving that unique snare sound we all love. The tension and material of the wires give the snare a percussive high end. Without the wires, the drum sounds more like a tom with deeper lows.

Snare Types

There are a ton of different snare types that we covered over in our Snare Buying Guide. It’s worth noting that not all snares are created equally. Just like people, some are tall, some are short, some are skinny, and some are chunky. Just like people, they are unique in their own way. Some snares are better at doing different things. Deeper shell snares provide better projection, while piccolo snares give off a higher pitched frequency and are easier to carry. Knowing when to use which snare is a good skill to have.

Snare Wires

The aforementioned “heart of the snare” can come in a variety of gauges, with a varying number of wires. More wires will give you more buzz in your tone and provide a snappier sound. Having a 42 strand set will put out a beefier sound and is great for heavy rock and metal. On the other end of the spectrum, using a 12 strand set might be better suited for playing jazz. Try out as many combinations as possible and see which one you like better.

What’s the anatomy of your snare look like? Let us know in the comments below, and if you liked this article be sure to give us a clap and follow us for more music news.

Shop Snares at Cascio Music

About the Author

Nick is the content coordinator for Cascio Music, a musician for 14+ years, anti-bread, pro-meat, and a really loud typer.



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