Drum Nightmares; Why Having Good Hardware Is a MUST

Cascio Music
3 min readMar 6, 2018


We eat, sleep and breath drums here at Cascio. Because of this, we feel that it is so important to emphasize having good, quality hardware. Below are some of the funniest stories the drummers working at Cascio have encountered while having junky equipment.

“I had the leg of a throne give way. The throne fell of the back of the riser, but I somehow managed to catch myself and play the rest of the tune standing.” Jeffery Moylan, Education

“When I was a high school senior, I played the drums in a 4-Piece jazz group with some buddies from my band classes. We had our first paid gig which was in an outdoor parking lot. It happened to be a little windy that day, and the very cheap and light straight stand I just purchased for my crash cymbal did not hold-up too well. At one point, the whole stand blew over onto me while in the middle of one of our numbers. I quickly moved the stand out of my way and kept playing. The audience found it very amusing. That day I learned a valuable lesson and afterwards my drum-set was always equipped with stronger, heavier, and much more durable cymbal stands!” Jeremiah Messner, eCommerce Content

“Having a good hi-hat stand is important. While performing with one of my groups, things started to get a little out of hand with people coming up on stage and dancing. At one point, it got so nuts, a woman fell backwards into my drums, and on to my very cheap hi hat stand at the time, and bent it to a 45 degree angle,” Jacob Miller, Band and Orchestra Buyer

“Years ago, I was playing a show at the Frequency in Madison using a cheaper kick drum pedal that I had recently decided to try out. The pedal’s drum hoop clamp refused to tighten or attach to the bass drum, resulting in the pedal sliding around during the entire set. After the set I immediately packed up, went out back, and threw the pedal in a dumpster. Picked up an Iron Cobra the following week and have been playing that one ever since!” DJ Hostettler, Call Center Manager

There you have it drummers! These were some of our “hardware nightmares” do you have any? We would love to hear all about them! This month only, get yourself some GOOD hardware. Spend $149+ and get a free $25 Cascio Gift Card in return!



Cascio Music

From the stage to the studio, we have you covered. We are Cascio Music, music gear suppliers based in Milwaukee, WI.