Difference Between Severity and Priority in Software Testing

A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Olha Holota from TestCaseLab
7 min readJul 11, 2023
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As a software tester, it is crucial to understand the concepts of severity and priority when dealing with bugs during the testing process.

While severity and priority are often used interchangeably, they represent distinct aspects of bug management.

Severity Definition

Severity refers to the degree of impact a bug has on the software’s functionality. It helps assess how critical a bug is and determines the urgency of its resolution.

Here are some commonly recognized types of severity:

  • Critical Severity

Bugs that result in complete system failure or make the software unusable fall under this category.

For example, if a banking application crashes when users try to transfer funds, it would be classified as CRITICAL severity.

  • Major Severity

Bugs that cause significant issues or impair essential functionality but still allow the software to be usable fall into this category.

An example of MAJOR severity would be if an e-commerce website fails to process payments intermittently.

  • Minor Severity

Bugs that do not significantly impact the software’s functionality but may cause inconveniences or minor glitches fall under this category.

For instance, if a social media platform displays an incorrect number of likes on a post, it would be considered a MINOR severity bug.

Priority Definition

Priority refers to the order in which bugs need to be addressed and fixed based on their importance. It helps in allocating resources and determining the sequence of bug resolution.

The common types of priorities are

  • High Priority

Bugs that require immediate attention and resolution because they impact critical functionality or pose significant risks fall under this category.

For example, if an online ticket booking system fails to generate tickets after successful payment, it would be assigned a HIGH priority.

  • Medium Priority

Bugs that need attention but do not severely impact the functionality or pose immediate risks fall into this category.

An example of the MEDIUM priority is if a mobile app occasionally freezes when users scroll through long lists.

  • Low Priority

Bugs that have minimal impact on functionality and do not pose significant risks are classified as low priority.

For example, if a website’s footer alignment is slightly off, it would be considered a LOW-priority bug.

Importance of Severity and Priority

Understanding severity and priority is essential for efficient bug management. Let’s outline why

  • Severity helps prioritize testing efforts, focusing on critical aspects of the software that need immediate attention.
  • Priority determines the order in which bugs should be addressed, ensuring the most critical issues are resolved first.
  • The correct combination of severity and priority assists in effective resource allocation and bug resolution planning.

Although severity and priority are distinct concepts, they are interrelated.

Severity is concerned with the impact on functionality, while priority addresses the urgency of bug resolution.

While a high-severity bug demands attention, it may not always require immediate resolution if its priority is low. Conversely, a low-severity bug can be assigned a high priority if it affects critical functionality.

Understanding the scenario where severity is high but priority is low, or vice versa can be challenging but crucial for effective bug management.

Let’s explore how you can identify such cases:

  • High Severity, Low Priority

In some situations, a bug may have severe consequences but not require immediate attention. Here are a few examples:

Compatibility Issues

A bug that occurs only in a specific combination of operating systems or browsers may have a high severity as it affects critical functionality. However, if the affected user base is small, the priority may be low as it does not impact a significant portion of users.

Cosmetic Bugs

A bug that only affects the visual appearance, such as an incorrect color scheme or font size, may have a high severity if it violates the brand guidelines. However, it may have a low priority if it does not impact the overall functionality or user experience.

Future Functionality

A bug related to a feature that is planned for future releases may have high severity from a design perspective. Still, it can have a low priority if the feature is not expected to be implemented or used immediately.

In such cases, although the bug has severe consequences, other factors such as user base, impact on critical functionality, or immediate business requirements may result in a lower priority.

  • Low Severity, High Priority

Conversely, there may be instances where a bug has minimal impact but requires immediate attention due to specific reasons.

Consider the following examples,

Legal Compliance

A bug that does not impact the software’s functionality significantly but violates legal or regulatory requirements may have a low severity. However, it can have a high priority due to the legal implications and potential penalties associated with non-compliance.

User Feedback

A bug reported by a high-profile user or a key stakeholder, even if it has a minor impact, may be assigned a high priority to address their concerns and maintain positive relationships.

Business Strategy

A bug that affects a non-critical feature but aligns with the organization’s strategic goals or marketing campaigns may have low severity. However, it can have a high priority due to the importance of delivering a seamless user experience aligned with the business strategy.

In such cases, the bug’s impact may be relatively low, but external factors, business priorities, or strategic considerations may drive it to be assigned a higher priority.

Remember, the determination of severity and priority is context-dependent and requires collaboration and decision-making based on factors such as business goals, user impact, technical implications, and stakeholder expectations. Effective communication and collaboration between the testing team, development team, and stakeholders are crucial to ensure the accurate assignment of severity and priority levels to bugs.

By considering the specific circumstances surrounding a bug, you can determine whether severity or priority takes precedence, allowing you to effectively manage and prioritize bug resolution efforts.

How to Set the Severity of Bugs

Recognizing the severity of bugs is vital for effective bug management.

Let’s review some examples

Example 1

In an e-commerce application, if users are unable to add items to their cart, it indicates a critical severity bug as it prevents users from completing purchases.

Example 2

If a messaging app crashes randomly during video calls but still allows users to send text messages, it falls under major severity as it impacts critical functionality.

Example 3

A typographical error in a blog post’s title would be categorized as a minor severity bug as it does not significantly affect the software’s functionality.

How to Prioritize Bugs

Prioritizing bugs ensures that limited resources are allocated effectively. Consider the following examples for understanding,

Example 1

In a banking application, a bug that allows unauthorized users to access sensitive customer information would be assigned high priority due to its potential security risks.

Example 2

If a travel app occasionally fails to load destination suggestions while searching, it would be assigned medium priority as it affects usability but does not compromise critical functionality.

Example 3

A button color inconsistency across different screens in a mobile app would be assigned low priority as it does not impact functionality significantly.

The Impact of Severity and Priority on the SDLC

Severity and priority play a crucial role in the SDLC.

Here’s how they affect the development and testing process:

  • Severity and priority determine the urgency of bug fixes, impacting the timeline and overall development schedule.
  • Testers prioritize their testing efforts based on the severity and priority of identified bugs.
  • The development team allocates resources and addresses bugs according to their severity and priority levels.
  • The severity and priority metrics are essential for effective communication between testers, developers, and stakeholders, facilitating better decision-making throughout the SDLC.

Who Is Responsible?

In a project team, the responsibility for determining the severity and priority of bugs may vary depending on the organization and project structure.

However, the following roles typically play a significant role in assigning severity and priority:

  • Testers

Testers are responsible for identifying and reporting bugs during the testing process.

In order to manage testing activities smoothly and effectively, it is essential to use test management tools. They let you maintain test documentation, execute tests and report all the findings to issue tracking tools.

They assess the impact of the bug on the software’s functionality and communicate their findings to the relevant stakeholders.

Testers often provide an initial assessment of severity based on their understanding of the bug’s impact on the system.

  • Test Leads

Test leads or test managers oversee the testing process and are responsible for managing the testing team. They review the bugs reported by the testers and perform a more comprehensive analysis of severity and priority. They consider factors such as the bug’s impact, risk assessment, business requirements, and feedback from stakeholders to assign appropriate severity and priority levels.

  • Development Team

The development team, including software developers and architects, plays a crucial role in understanding the technical implications of bugs. They collaborate with the testing team to validate the severity and provide insights into the bug’s impact on the underlying codebase. The development team’s input helps determine the severity and prioritize bug fixes based on technical feasibility and dependencies.

  • Product Owners or Business Analysts

Product owners or business analysts represent the stakeholders and have a deep understanding of the business requirements and user expectations. They collaborate with the testing and development teams to provide insights into the bug’s impact on the end-user experience, business goals, and priorities. Their input helps ensure that severity and priority align with the overall project objectives.

  • Project Managers

Project managers are responsible for overseeing the entire project, including the testing and development activities. They play a critical role in making decisions related to severity and priority based on factors such as project timelines, resource availability, and strategic objectives. Project managers may also collaborate with stakeholders to ensure that severity and priority align with the project’s goals and priorities.


Understanding the distinction between severity and priority is vital for software testers to effectively manage bugs during the testing process.

By recognizing the severity of bugs and prioritizing them appropriately, testers can ensure efficient bug resolution and enhance the overall quality of the software.

Additionally, using powerful test management tools like TestCaseLab can further streamline testing efforts and facilitate effective bug tracking and resolution.

Severity determines the impact on functionality, while priority determines the urgency of resolution. By employing these concepts effectively, you can significantly contribute to the success of the software development and testing process.



Olha Holota from TestCaseLab

My name is Olha, and I am a Project Manager. At the moment I manage the project TestCaseLab. It is a cutting-edge web tool for manual QA engineers.