Redundancy in Software Testing

Olha Holota from TestCaseLab
4 min readJan 26, 2024


Redundancy in Software Testing — banner

Avoiding redundant tests is not just a matter of efficiency, but a strategy. Let’s dive into the complexities of this task, focusing on common scenarios where testers find themselves in unpredictable situations.

By exploring common scenarios and offering a combination of innovative techniques and best practices, the article aims to help you make your testing processes leaner and more efficient. With a focus on continuous optimization, strategic planning and collaborative approaches, we strive to empower you to navigate the intricacies of your role with greater confidence and competence.

Common Cases

If you are not familiar with such situations, then you are definitely on the right path to efficiency!

Regression Testing with Concurrent Fixes

This occurs when you start regression testing, but during this process, fixes are deployed, necessitating a retest of already tested cases. Such scenarios can severely affect testing efficiency.

Testing Incomplete User Stories

Testers sometimes engage in testing user stories that still need to be finished. This leads to tickets being returned as inconsistent, not due to flaws but simply because they are incomplete.

Testing Environment Deployment Issues

An issue can arise when testing occurs, and it’s later realized that the tickets were not deployed to the testing environment. And the tester has already returned a couple of tickets and addressed them to the developers.

Overlapping Test Objectives

Redundancy also occurs when multiple test cases cover the same functionalities or code segments, leading to unnecessary duplication of effort.

Missing or Outdated Documentation

Incomplete or outdated documentation complicates understanding of requirements and what needs to be tested. The tester simply does not know the expected results. Time spent discussing requirements affects productivity.

Testing Environment differs from the Production

The discrepancy between the testing environment and the production environment can lead to a range of problems, including undetected bugs, performance issues, and a failure to meet user expectations in the real world.

Uncertainty About When to Stop Testing

Knowing when all test scenarios have been adequately covered can be difficult. Creating a comprehensive testing checklist can help address this issue.

Strategies to Avoid Redundant Tests

Continual Test Optimization

Design tests to be atomic (one test per case) and autonomous (independent of other tests). This approach aims to maximize value from the fewest number of test cases. It involves assessing individual test cases and the overall test suite, deciding whether to delete, archive, rewrite, update, or deprioritize tests based on their relevance and value​​.

Use of Advanced Techniques

Techniques like Greedy Algorithm, Fuzzy Logic, and Program Slicing help in reducing the number of test cases while maintaining effective coverage. Greedy Algorithm, for example, selects test cases satisfying the maximum number of unsatisfied requirements, reducing the total number of tests. Fuzzy Logic optimizes test suites for multi-objective selection criteria, and Program Slicing helps in building a set of statements affecting the output, thereby optimizing the control flow for each test case​​.

Regular Test Suite Audits

Continuously auditing test suites helps in keeping redundancy at a minimum. Especially after every software release, regression test suites need optimization to reflect software changes.

Tool Assistance

Tools like TestCaseLab can assist in test case management and test case reusing. With its help, you can easily create QA documentation and manage it efficiently.

Effective Collaboration with the Development Team

Close cooperation with developers ensures that testers are informed about the completeness of user stories and the deployment status of tickets in the testing environment. This awareness can prevent testing unfinished stories or non-deployed tickets.

Comprehensive Testing Plan

Planning should encompass all aspects of the testing lifecycle, including contingencies for concurrent development and testing activities. This approach helps in anticipating and mitigating scenarios where retesting might be required due to ongoing changes.

Prioritization and Focused Testing

By prioritizing test cases based on critical functionalities and business processes, teams can focus on what matters most, reducing the likelihood of redundant tests in less critical areas.

Testing and Deployment Schedule

Regularly synchronize testing and deployment schedules. Have a checklist to verify the deployment of tickets in the testing environment.

In conclusion, avoiding redundant tests in software testing involves a combination of strategic planning, optimization techniques, regular audits, effective use of tools, and collaboration with the development team. By adopting these strategies, testing teams can enhance their efficiency and contribute more effectively to the software development lifecycle.

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Olha Holota from TestCaseLab

My name is Olha, and I am a Project Manager. At the moment I manage the project TestCaseLab. It is a cutting-edge web tool for manual QA engineers.