Skip the Bug If…

Olha Holota from TestCaseLab
4 min readMay 18, 2023


Practical Prioritization Tips for Software Testers

Thorough bug detection and reporting are highly important in software development. However, in the fast-paced world of software development, it can be challenging to prioritize the bugs we discover.

With limited time and resources, we need to identify which bugs are critical and require immediate attention.

In this article, we will explore scenarios where it might be acceptable to skip a bug and focus on higher-priority issues. Additionally, we will introduce TestCaseLab as a valuable test case management tool to streamline bug tracking and prioritization.

Sometimes It Is Hard To Prioritize Bugs

In the software testing realm, bugs come in various shapes and sizes. Some bugs may have minimal impact on the overall user experience, while others can be highly critical and disruptive.

Prioritizing bugs can be challenging due to several factors, such as time constraints, limited resources, and competing priorities within the development team.\

Follow the recommendations to know how to prioritize bugs…

  1. Assess the severity and impact of each bug on the overall functionality and user experience. Bugs that have a high severity level and significantly impact critical features should be given priority over minor or cosmetic issues.
  2. Consider user feedback and prioritize bugs that align with user-reported issues or complaints. User satisfaction and addressing their concerns should be a top priority.
  3. Align bug prioritization with the business goals of the software. Bugs that hinder essential functionality or disrupt key processes should be prioritized to ensure that the software meets business requirements.
  4. Evaluate the frequency at which a bug occurs. Bugs that are consistently encountered by users or occur frequently during testing should be prioritized higher as they have a more significant impact on the overall user experience.
  5. Assess the complexity and effort required to fix each bug. Bugs that can be resolved quickly and easily should be addressed earlier, while more complex issues may require additional time and resources.
  6. Consider dependencies between bugs. Addressing a bug that is blocking or preventing the resolution of other bugs can help streamline the overall bug fixing process.
  7. Conduct a risk assessment for each bug. Bugs that pose security risks, result in data loss, or have other severe consequences should be given immediate attention to mitigate potential damages.
  8. Prioritize bugs that affect critical test coverage areas or impact the ability to perform comprehensive testing. Addressing these bugs will ensure better test coverage and reduce the risk of missing other issues.
  9. Take into account the size of the user base affected by a bug. Bugs that impact a larger number of users or a specific user segment should be given higher priority to minimize the impact on a significant portion of the user base.
  10. Maintain open communication with the development team and collaborate to understand their perspectives on bug prioritization. Their insights can help in making informed decisions based on technical feasibility and resource availability.

No Time To Fix All The Bugs

In an ideal world, every bug would receive immediate attention and be resolved promptly. However, the reality is that development teams often face time constraints and must make difficult decisions regarding bug fixes.

In such situations, it becomes crucial to identify which bugs warrant immediate attention and which can be deferred.

Pay Attention to the Bug If:

  1. Bugs that significantly impact the user experience, causing frustration or confusion, should be prioritized. Such issues may include broken links, unresponsive buttons, or inconsistent behavior across different devices.
  2. Performance-related bugs can hinder the overall speed and responsiveness of the software. These bugs can lead to lagging, slow loading times, or excessive resource consumption. Identifying and addressing such issues is essential to ensure optimal user experience.
  3. Bugs that compromise the security of the software, such as vulnerabilities or unauthorized access points, should never be ignored. Security-related issues pose significant risks to both the user and the organization and should be addressed as a top priority.
  4. Bugs that cause the software to crash, result in data loss, or have other severe consequences should be addressed urgently. These issues not only impact user experience but can also lead to reputational damage and financial losses for the organization.

Skip The Bug If:

  1. If a bug occurs very rarely and does not significantly affect the user experience or functionality, it may be acceptable to deprioritize it. However, it is essential to document and monitor such bugs to ensure they do not become more prevalent over time.
  2. Sometimes, during the testing process, testers come across bugs that have already been addressed and fixed by the development team without formal documentation. In such cases, it may be unnecessary to allocate additional resources to resolve these bugs.
  3. Certain bugs may require specific and unexpected conditions to manifest. If such conditions are unlikely to occur during regular use, it may be reasonable to postpone bug fixing and instead evaluate their impact after deployment.

To streamline bug tracking and prioritization, consider leveraging test case management tools like TestCaseLab. TestCaseLab provides a comprehensive platform for managing test cases, tracking bugs, and collaborating with development teams.

With its intuitive interface and robust features, TestCaseLab simplifies the process of prioritizing and managing bugs effectively.



Olha Holota from TestCaseLab

My name is Olha, and I am a Project Manager. At the moment I manage the project TestCaseLab. It is a cutting-edge web tool for manual QA engineers.