Techniques for Maintaining & Updating Test Suites

Olha Holota from TestCaseLab
4 min readSep 1, 2023


As a software tester, you’re the gatekeeper of quality. Your test suites are your trusty weapons in ensuring that the code your team produces is reliable. But what happens when your app evolves, features change, and your test suite becomes similar to a tangled web of outdated test cases? That’s where test maintenance and refactoring come into play. In this article, we’ll explore techniques to help you keep your test suites agile and effective as your app evolves.

Why Test Maintenance Matters

Before diving into techniques, let’s understand why test maintenance is crucial. As your app evolves, so do its functionalities, interfaces, and code. If your test cases don’t develop along with the app, you risk missing critical issues, false positives, and wasting valuable testing time. Proper test maintenance ensures that your tests remain reliable and relevant, providing accurate feedback to your development team.

The Role of Refactoring

Refactoring isn’t just for code; it applies to test suites too. When you refactor your test suites, you improve their structure, readability, and maintainability without changing their behavior. This makes your test cases easier to understand, update, and extend.

Techniques for Test Maintenance and Refactoring

1. Regular Reviews and Cleanup

Set aside time for regular reviews of your test suites. Identify and remove redundant, outdated, or ineffective test cases. A leaner test suite is easier to maintain and provides faster feedback.

For example, it can be useful in the following case. Imagine you have a test suite for an e-commerce website, and you notice that there are several test cases related to an outdated feature — “Wishlist”. These test cases are no longer relevant, and keeping them in the suite clutters it and wastes testing resources. During your regular review, you identify and remove these obsolete test cases to streamline your suite.

2. Modularize Test Cases

Break down complex test cases into smaller, reusable modules. This not only makes your test cases more manageable but also reduces duplication. When a feature changes, you’ll only need to update a single module, rather than multiple test cases.

For instance, consider a “login” functionality that is tested in multiple scenarios across your application. Instead of duplicating the login steps in each test case, you create a modular “Login” test case that handles the login process. Then, you reference this “Login” module in various other test cases, such as “Purchase with Logged-In User” or “Change Password After Login.” When the login process changes, you only need to update the “Login” module, and all dependent test cases will automatically reflect the change.

3. Parameterization

Use parameterization to make your test cases more flexible. Instead of hardcoding values, parameterize them. This allows you to run the same test case with different inputs easily.

For example, it may help you in case you have a test case for submitting a user registration form. Instead of hardcoding user data like username, email, and password into the test case, you parameterize it. You create variables for these inputs and define multiple sets of values, such as {“user1”, “”, “password123”} and {“user2”, “”, “pass456”}. Your test case then uses these parameterized values, allowing you to run the same test with different data combinations.

4. Version Control for Test Code

Just like your application code, your test code should be under version control. This ensures that changes are tracked, and you can always roll back to a previous version if needed.

Each time you make changes to your test code, you can commit those changes to a Git repository. Suppose a new feature implementation affects multiple test cases, and after some testing, you encounter issues. By examining the Git commit history, you can pinpoint which code changes introduced the problem and quickly revert to a stable version of your test suite if needed.

5. Documentation

Maintain clear and up-to-date documentation for your test cases. This documentation should include the purpose of the test, expected outcomes, and any specific configurations required.

Let’s imagine the following: You have a test case that validates the checkout process on an e-commerce site. Alongside the test case, you maintain detailed documentation that describes the expected behavior, any preconditions (e.g., a filled shopping cart), and any specific configurations (e.g., the use of a test credit card). This documentation helps anyone reviewing or executing the test case to understand its purpose and requirements clearly.

6. Regression Test Selection

Implement a regression test selection strategy. Focus on testing the most critical areas affected by recent changes, reducing the scope of testing and saving time.

In case, your team is working on a major update of the app, you can use this technique. Instead of running the entire test suite, you implement a regression test selection strategy. You identify critical areas affected by the update and run only the test cases related to these areas. This focused testing approach saves time during the development cycle while ensuring that crucial functionalities are thoroughly tested.

Introducing TestCaseLab

Maintaining and refactoring test suites can be a complex task, but it’s essential for maintaining high-quality software. Tools like TestCaseLab can significantly streamline this process. TestCaseLab offers a user-friendly interface for test case management, making it easier to organize, update, and execute test cases.

Key Features of TestCaseLab:

  • Customize templates for test cases in order to add all necessary information for convenient test execution.
  • Categorize test cases by Suites and Sub-Suites for fast and easy navigation within the repository.
  • Execute your test cases and generate reports to keep your team informed.
  • Integrate TestCaseLab with your bug tracker in order to report bugs directly.

By regularly reviewing and documenting your test cases, you can ensure that your testing efforts remain effective as your app evolves. Tools like TestCaseLab can be your ally in this journey, simplifying the task and making your life as a tester easier and more efficient.



Olha Holota from TestCaseLab

My name is Olha, and I am a Project Manager. At the moment I manage the project TestCaseLab. It is a cutting-edge web tool for manual QA engineers.