Test Planning with AI Assistant

Olha Holota from TestCaseLab
8 min readJan 18, 2024


Test Planning with AI Assistant

Incorporating AI, particularly ChatGPT, into test planning can revolutionize the way software testing is approached, offering a range of assistance that covers various aspects of the testing process.

Let’s begin with forming a comprehensive list of actions where ChatGPT can assist in test planning, along with variations of help it can provide:

List of Actions Assisted by ChatGPT in Test Planning

1. Requirement Analysis and Interpretation

  • Summarizing and interpreting complex project documentation.
  • Extracting testable requirements from business requirements documents.
  • Identifying ambiguities or contradictions in requirements.

2. Test Strategy Formulation

  • Suggesting test approaches based on project type and requirements.
  • Advising on the best practices for different testing types (e.g., unit, integration, system testing).
  • Guiding risk-based testing strategies.

3. Test Case Development

  • Generating detailed test cases from requirements.
  • Creating data-driven test cases.
  • Offering templates or formats for test case documentation.

4. Test Data Generation

  • Generating synthetic test data for various test scenarios.
  • Advising on data masking and anonymization techniques for sensitive data.
  • Creating data sets for boundary value and equivalence partitioning testing.

5. Test Execution Planning

  • Proposing test execution schedules based on project timelines.
  • Suggesting test automation tools and frameworks.
  • Prioritizing test cases based on risk and impact analysis.

6. Defect Analysis and Reporting

  • Assisting in the classification and prioritization of defects.
  • Suggesting potential root causes for defects.
  • Generating defect summary reports for stakeholders.

7. Test Environment Setup

  • Advising on the configuration of test environments.
  • Offering insights on virtualization and containerization for test environments.
  • Suggesting tools for environment monitoring and management.

8. Test Process Optimization

  • Analyzing existing test processes for improvements.
  • Recommending AI and ML tools for enhancing test processes.
  • Suggesting methodologies for continuous testing and integration.

9. Performance Testing Guidance

  • Providing tips for designing performance tests.
  • Advising on the interpretation of performance testing results.
  • Recommending tools and techniques for load and stress testing.

10. Security Testing Insights

  • Offering guidance on security testing methodologies.
  • Suggesting tools for vulnerability scanning and penetration testing.
  • Advising on compliance with security standards and best practices.

11. Accessibility Testing

  • Providing checklists for accessibility testing.
  • Suggesting tools for automated accessibility checks.
  • Advising on adherence to accessibility standards like WCAG.

12. Testing Tool Recommendations

  • Recommending suitable testing tools based on project requirements.
  • Advising on the integration of testing tools with existing systems.
  • Providing comparisons and insights on various testing tools available in the market.

13. Training and Knowledge Sharing

  • Offering explanations of complex testing concepts.
  • Providing resources for training in specific testing methodologies.
  • Answering queries and clarifying doubts related to software testing.

14. Reporting and Documentation

  • Assisting in the creation of test reports and documentation.
  • Generating templates for test plans, strategies, and summary reports.
  • Offering guidance on effective documentation practices.

15. Stakeholder Communication

  • Drafting communication for stakeholders regarding testing progress.
  • Suggesting strategies for effective stakeholder engagement in the testing process.
  • Providing templates for regular updates and reports to stakeholders.

Examples of Requests for Each Type of Activity

Let’s look at specific examples for each activity, illustrating how to effectively communicate with ChatGPT.

Providing the right context and formulating requests clearly are key to receiving useful and accurate assistance.

1. Requirement Analysis and Interpretation

Provide the AI with a brief overview of the project, its scope, and any specific areas of focus.

Example Request: I have a project requirement document for an online banking system. Can you analyze it and list the primary features that need testing, focusing on fund transfer and account management functionalities?

More examples:

- Analyze the attached project documentation to identify key functionalities and features for testing. Highlight specific requirements or constraints.

- Read through the provided PDF of our e-commerce application’s requirements. List out the primary features, that need testing and note any special security or performance criteria mentioned.

2. Test Strategy Formulation

Describe the type of software, its intended use, and any specific testing concerns (like performance or security).

Example Request: We are developing a mobile health application that needs both functional and security testing. Could you suggest an appropriate test strategy that covers these aspects?

3. Test Case Development

Provide detailed requirements or scenarios that need testing.

Example Request: Based on the requirement that the system should handle 10,000 concurrent users, can you generate test cases to verify this, including edge cases?

More examples:

- Generate test cases based on the analyzed requirements. Include positive, negative, and boundary conditions.

- Based on the user login feature requirements, create test cases covering successful login, login attempts with incorrect credentials, and edge cases like blank inputs or SQL injection attempts.

4. Test Data Generation

Clearly specify the type of data required and the scenarios it needs to cover.

Example Request: We need test data for the user registration process in our application, including valid, invalid, and boundary case scenarios. Can you generate some examples?

More examples:

- Create test data sets for the generated test cases, covering common scenarios and edge cases.

- Generate test data for the product checkout process, including valid and invalid credit card numbers, varied order sizes, and user profiles with different shipping addresses.

5. Test Execution Planning

Provide information about project timelines, critical functionalities, and any previous testing history.

Example Request: Our project is entering the final phase with critical features like payment processing. How should we plan the test execution to prioritize these features?

More examples:

- Examine the defect reports from our last three projects focusing on web services. Identify common failure points and predict potential high-risk areas in our new REST API project, especially related to data validation and error handling.

- Optimize test case execution order based on risk assessment, dependencies, and business impact.

- Arrange the execution order of test cases for the mobile app, prioritizing critical functionalities like app launch, main navigation, and user authentication, especially focusing on the latest feature updates.

- Predict high-risk areas in the software using recent code commits, change logs, and historical bug data.

6. Defect Analysis and Reporting

Provide details about the types of defects encountered or specific areas where defects are common.

Example Request: We’ve observed frequent defects in the checkout process of our e-commerce app. Can you analyze these defects and suggest the primary areas to focus on for improvement?

7. Test Environment Setup

Provide information about the application’s technology stack, deployment environment, and any special configuration requirements.

Example Request: We are setting up a test environment for a Django-based web application. What are the key considerations for this setup, especially regarding database and server configurations?

8. Test Process Optimization

Provide details about the current testing process, tools used, and areas where improvements are sought.

Example Request: Our current testing process for the web application is manual and time-consuming. How can we optimize this, perhaps by introducing automation?

9. Performance Testing Guidance

Share specific performance goals or problems, such as load times or concurrency issues.

Example Request: We aim for our application to load within 3 seconds under normal usage. What performance tests should we conduct to ensure this?

10. Security Testing Insights

Mention specific security concerns or standards that the application should adhere to.

Example Request: We need to ensure our application is compliant with GDPR. What security tests should we focus on to check for compliance?

11. Accessibility Testing

Share information on the target user base, including any special accessibility requirements.

Example Request: Our application needs to be accessible to visually impaired users. Can you provide a checklist for accessibility testing focusing on screen reader compatibility?

12. Testing Tool Recommendations

Describe the testing requirements, such as automated testing, load testing, etc.

Example Request: We are looking for a tool to automate UI testing for a React application. What would you recommend?

13. Training and Knowledge Sharing

Specify the areas where training or knowledge enhancement is needed.

Example Request: Our team is new to API testing. Can you suggest resources or provide a brief overview of best practices in API testing?

14. Reporting and Documentation

State the type of documentation required, such as test plans, strategies, or summary reports.

Example Request: I need to create a test summary report. What are the key elements that should be included?

15. Stakeholder Communication

Share information about the stakeholders’ roles and the type of information they require.

Example Request: I need to update stakeholders about the latest testing phase of our project. Can you help draft an update email focusing on the progress and any major issues encountered?

Providing the right context and detailing your requirements clearly in your requests will enable ChatGPT to assist you more effectively in each aspect of the test planning process.

Best Practices for Implementing AI in Software Testing

To ensure that you get the most efficient and effective assistance from ChatGPT in your test planning activities, consider these useful and relevant recommendations:

  1. Clearly define your requirements. For instance, if you need test cases, specify the type of software, the features that need testing, and any particular scenarios or constraints.
  2. Give as much background information as possible. Contextual details help the AI understand the scope and nature of your project, which leads to more tailored advice.
  3. Break down your requests into structured, clear, and concise questions or statements. This helps in getting direct and to-the-point responses.
  4. Treat the conversation with ChatGPT as iterative. Based on the responses you receive, refine your questions or provide additional information to hone in on more accurate and useful answers.
  5. Understand that ChatGPT learns from each interaction. As you provide feedback or correct responses, it adjusts its future responses accordingly.
  6. Use ChatGPT as a tool to complement your expertise. Combine its suggestions with your own professional judgment and knowledge.
  7. As your project progresses, keep providing updated information to ChatGPT. Changes in project scope, new features, or any other modifications should be communicated to get relevant advice.
  8. If you receive a response that seems unclear or not entirely applicable, don’t hesitate to ask follow-up questions for clarification or confirmation.
  9. Understand the capabilities and limitations of ChatGPT. It’s a powerful tool for suggestions and guidance but should not be the sole basis for critical decisions.
  10. Experiment with asking the same question in different ways to see if the responses vary. This can help you understand the best way to phrase your queries for optimal results.
  11. If you’re unsure about how to implement a suggestion from ChatGPT, ask for examples or case studies to get a clearer picture.
  12. As AI technology evolves, so do the capabilities of tools like ChatGPT. Stay informed about new features or updates that could enhance your test planning process.

Challenges in AI Integration

  • AI implementation in software testing should be carefully planned and aligned with project goals.
  • AI systems can inherit biases from their training data, requiring careful monitoring and adjustment.
  • AI complements human testers but does not replace the intuition and insight that human testers provide.

Incorporating AI into software testing, particularly in test planning, offers increased test coverage, efficiency, and early defect detection. However, it also presents challenges such as potential biases. A well-planned implementation, complemented by detailed and specific prompts, can significantly leverage AI’s capabilities in improving the software testing process​​​​​​​​.

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Olha Holota from TestCaseLab

My name is Olha, and I am a Project Manager. At the moment I manage the project TestCaseLab. It is a cutting-edge web tool for manual QA engineers.