The Beginner’s Guide to Test Case Updates

Olha Holota from TestCaseLab
4 min readNov 14, 2023


The Beginner’s Guide to Test Case Updates — banner

The effectiveness of our testing efforts relies heavily on the quality and relevance of our test cases. Test cases serve as the foundation for successful software testing, providing a structured approach to validate whether the software meets its specified requirements.

In this article, let’s outline key considerations surrounding test case updates, exploring the importance of regular reviews and maintenance, and how tools like TestCaseLab can enhance the management of your test cases.

What is a Test Case?

A test case is a detailed set of instructions designed to verify the functionality of a specific aspect of a software application.

It outlines the preconditions, input data, execution steps, and expected outcomes, providing a systematic approach to validate the software’s compliance with its requirements.


A standard test case template typically includes the following sections:

  • A standard test case template includes various sections, each playing a crucial role in ensuring thorough testing:
  • Test Case ID: a unique identifier for tracking and traceability.
  • Test Case Description: a concise overview of the test objective.
  • Preconditions: conditions that must be met before the test can be executed.
  • Test Steps: step-by-step instructions for executing the test.
  • Expected Result: an expected outcome when the test is executed.


  • Test Case ID: TC001
  • Test Case Description: Verify user login functionality
  • Preconditions: User credentials are valid
  • Test Steps:
  1. Navigate to the login page.
  2. Enter valid username and password.
  3. Click the “Login” button.
  • Expected Result: User is successfully logged in.

How Many Test Cases Should I Have?

Determining the right number of test cases involves a strategic approach that considers various factors:

User Story

Imagine a scenario where a software application is being developed to manage an e-commerce platform. Each user story, representing a specific functionality, comes with its own set of acceptance criteria.

For example, an acceptance criterion for the user story “Manage User Profile” might include the ability to update personal information. Test scenarios derived from these acceptance criteria guide the creation of test cases.

Acceptance Criteria and Test Scenario List

For each acceptance criterion, multiple test scenarios should be identified and covered in test cases. It’s crucial to ensure that all possible paths and edge cases are considered. The number of test cases can vary based on the complexity and criticality of each functionality.

Handy Recommendations

To maintain a robust set of test cases:

  • Regularly review and update test cases to align with changing requirements.
  • Prioritize critical functionalities and high-impact areas.
  • Adopt a risk-based testing approach to focus efforts where they are most needed.

How Often Should I Review Test Cases?

The frequency of test case reviews is a dynamic aspect influenced by several factors:

Depending on Approach

  • In Agile methodologies, where changes are frequent, test cases may need more frequent reviews.
  • Waterfall projects may have less frequent reviews but should ensure thoroughness due to the sequential nature of the development process.

Complexity of the System

  • Complex systems with intricate interdependencies may require more frequent reviews to accommodate changes.

Reasons for Review and Maintenance

  • Adaptation to Changes

Requirements evolve, and so should test cases.

  • Accuracy and Relevance

Ensure that test cases accurately reflect the current state of the application.

  • Consistency and Elimination of Redundancies

Identify and rectify inconsistencies or redundant test cases.

  • Alignment with Project Dynamics

Regular reviews ensure that testing efforts align with the evolving nature of the software.

What Should I Pay Attention to?

While reviewing test cases, meticulous attention to detail is paramount:

  • Test Data

Verify that test data is not only accurate but also diverse, covering a wide range of scenarios.

  • Environments

Ensure that test cases consider different environments (e.g., development, staging, production) to validate the software’s stability.

  • Dependencies

Identify and address dependencies between test cases to prevent cascading issues.

  • Coverage

Confirm that all acceptance criteria are covered, leaving no critical functionality untested.

Who Should I Review Test Cases With?

Collaborative reviews involving various stakeholders enhance the quality and effectiveness of test cases:


Developers, product owners, business analysts, and QA team members should collectively review test cases.

Diverse perspectives ensure that test cases align with both technical and business requirements.

Streamlining Test Case Management

In the realm of test case management, tools like TestCaseLab offer valuable features:

  • Centralized Repository

TestCaseLab provides a centralized repository, facilitating easy access and management of all test cases.

  • Version Control

Track changes in test cases, ensuring traceability and accountability in the testing process.

  • Collaboration

Foster collaboration by providing shared access and real-time updates, creating a seamless testing workflow.

  • Integration

TestCaseLab seamlessly integrates with bug-tracking tools like Jira, ensuring a cohesive testing ecosystem.

In conclusion, the frequency of updating test cases is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It requires a nuanced understanding of the project, its dynamics, and the evolving nature of software development.

By adopting best practices, leveraging collaborative reviews, and using test management tools, you can not only maintain an up-to-date test suite but also contribute significantly to the overall quality and success of the software being developed.

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Olha Holota from TestCaseLab

My name is Olha, and I am a Project Manager. At the moment I manage the project TestCaseLab. It is a cutting-edge web tool for manual QA engineers.