10 Ways To Improve Client Intake At Your Law Firm

2 min readMay 3, 2021


Are your clients filling the intake form timely?

The intake form is a vital part for your law firm to know your client information and increase your overall client base. Timely filing of forms serves an important aspect in the day-to-day operations of a law firm for improved productivity.

Here are some tips that can lead to improvement in client intake.

Maintain a proper record

With so much work to be completed and managed, it becomes difficult for you to keep a check on each information and deadline of your firm. Ensure time to time checking and recording information with some of the best ways to ensure that all intake forms are filled with the right information by Casefox client intake form and allow yourself to capture the accuracy and efficiency of your client data with a proper intake process.

Move towards online forms

Manual filling of forms may take time and may lead to higher chances of misuse of information. Your client looks for simplification while filling intake forms. A manual form may take hours to get to a particular client, eliminate the extra time by CaseFox legal client management software and let your intake forms be managed virtually by delivering digital forms to your clients.

Professionalize your operations

Going through intake forms manually may take extra time for your client. Make your firm operation look professional and enable a digital client intake form.

Ensure Client interaction

With CaseFox client intake form feature keeps your client updated about all the deadlines through notifications and manages all forms in a synchronized manner and lets your client feel connected all the time.

Intake forms are necessary elements to be maintained in every law firm to run its operations seamlessly. All information is important for a lawyer to understand its client’s needs and demands. Making intake forms digital will lead to greater chances of increasing the number of forms filled.




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