How Conflict Check Software Helps Law Firms?

3 min readJun 8, 2021


The word conflict may seem very common, but sometimes common things create disasters and imbalances in the whole running business.

What does conflict of interest mean?

Conflict of interest basically means the situation in which a lawyer is not able to fight a case for a client whose interest doesn’t match with your existing client.

The most adverse situation arises when the conflict check is made too late and the lawyer comes to know it even later. The chances of clashes in conflict can only be avoided through a proper system to manage the conflict in order to obtain accurate information of all the clients.

This blog will help you in knowing some of the top-notch advantages that conflict check software delivers.

What are the benefits of using conflict check software?

1. Reduce overall time per search

As an attorney are you able to recall each client detail with accuracy?

Client information plays an important part in resolving conflicts beforehand. Not always the method of remembering names can act as the solution to resolve conflicts. Finding details in files by keeping hold of potential clients seems like a never-ending task. Not only searching but the part of maintaining these paper files seems time-consuming.

Legal practice management software CaseFox offers you affordable conflict check software that helps you maintain a proper record of existing clients and makes your search work one of the easiest work to go for.

2. Effortless access to data

Clients are never too less when it comes to a growing law firm. Keeping a proper record of each and every client seems like a necessity for a law firm in order to remain planned and competitive while fighting a case.

How much time as an attorney do you take to search an old case file?

Maybe a day or sometimes a lot more. Time and data are to be managed properly in order to create a stable work environment. One of the known legal billing software CaseFox provides the best class services with its law firm conflict check software which keeps your client data safe and secure in one place.

3. Provides stability between potential and existing clients

Sometimes a proper systematic approach is important to have a detailed check on existing clients so as to make sure that potential clients are not rivals from existing ones. Most of the conflict occurs due to the opposing party being a part of a single attorney.

It’s prime to go through all the background checks of a new client with existing or old clients and make a proper detailing regarding both clients. CaseFox, one of the known legal billing software offers the feature of letting you know about the client information in a single click and helps you to get prepared beforehand for the future consequences of a conflict.


Conflicts are a part of every law firm day to day working. It may arise and can have both negative as well as no effect on the ongoing case of the firm. The effect of the conflict will be decided as the way you try to check the conflict and resolve it. With so many technologies available today, the conflict check software acts as the best tool which not only provides a detailed report of clients but also assists you in dealing with a particular conflict on time.




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