The Power of Intrapreneurship

Casey Jones
3 min readJun 14, 2023

In recent years, the business world has increasingly recognized the importance of fostering innovation to maintain a competitive edge. As a result, intrapreneurship — the practice of developing and executing entrepreneurial initiatives within an existing organization — has emerged as a significant driving force behind corporate innovation.

By definition, an intrapreneur is an employee who acts as an entrepreneur within their company, responsible for identifying and pursuing new business opportunities and refining ideas to generate growth. Their role involves navigating the unique challenges of a corporate setting while leveraging its resources and support.

The Responsibilities of Intrapreneurs

Intrapreneurs shoulder a wide range of responsibilities, including:

  1. Identifying new business opportunities that align with the company’s goals and objectives.
  2. Developing and refining ideas, prototypes, and plans to present to stakeholders.
  3. Obtaining buy-in from executives and other decision-makers within the company.
  4. Leading and executing new initiatives, managing resources and teams to ensure successful outcomes.
  5. Ensuring continuous improvement and learning from past experiences to drive future successes.

The Benefits and Challenges of Intrapreneurship

In return for their efforts, intrapreneurs can enjoy numerous benefits, such as competitive salaries, comprehensive benefit packages, and recognition within the company. Additionally, intrapreneurs have the unique opportunity to create something new and innovative with less personal risk involved compared to entrepreneurship. This is because they operate within an organization that can support them, share the risks, and provide the resources needed for success.

However, intrapreneurship also comes with its own set of challenges. Intrapreneurs often face the risk of failure, which can tarnish their professional reputation and negatively impact their career progression. Furthermore, the financial rewards tied to success may be less substantial compared to those enjoyed by entrepreneurs who own and control the entire venture.

Intrapreneurs must also navigate the complexities of resource allocation, justified by balancing short-term objectives with long-term innovation goals. They may face resistance to change, as internal stakeholders may perceive their ideas as disruptive or threatening to the established ways of doing things. All the while, intrapreneurs must work within the confines of a rigid corporate structure, which may sometimes hinder creative thinking and decision-making.

Intrapreneurship vs. Entrepreneurship

The debate between entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship revolves around personal preferences, circumstances, and values. Entrepreneurs embrace higher risks involved in starting their own ventures but have greater potential rewards and much freedom in their decision-making. In contrast, intrapreneurs have a more secure environment and enjoy the benefits provided by an established organization but must work within the constraints of a corporate structure.

The Success of Intrapreneurship

Successful intrapreneurship initiatives have paved the way for revolutionary products and services in various industries. One notable example is Google’s Gmail, developed by a small team led by intrapreneur Paul Buchheit. The team tackled email’s inefficiencies by creating a user-friendly, powerful, and innovative platform that is now a market leader. Another famous instance of intrapreneurship is 3M’s development of Post-It notes, initially conceived by an employee named Spencer Silver, and later refined and marketed by Art Fry.


In conclusion, intrapreneurship is rapidly becoming an essential component of corporate innovation strategies. As more companies recognize the need for continuous growth and embrace new modes of thinking, intrapreneurs will play a central role in unlocking new business opportunities and shaping the future of their organizations. Intrapreneurship, when nurtured and supported properly, provides a mutually beneficial relationship between the intrapreneur and the company, accelerating growth and maintaining a competitive edge in an ever-evolving business ecosystem.

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