Learn from Blockchain and Bitcoin Experts

Cashaa Team
2 min readNov 2, 2017


Cashaa wallet system with full spectrum of fully digital financial services, enables its community to save, spend, borrow and get insured, with a simplified user experience in a legally compliant way. Our multi currency wallet will able to convert currencies at real time, spend, deposit and send money instantly to any card around the world.

CASHAA, Bringing Benefits of Crypto to Fiat in a fully regulated and compliant way

By bringing the power of crypto into fiat we will connect Billions of Middle class and poor population across the world.

Buy CAS Token

Cashaa network will give birth to multiple use cases like:

  1. Remittance
  2. Cross border lending
  3. Merchant payments across globe
  4. Bootstrapping Business & funding

Cashaa`s in-built credit rating system powered by CAS tokens will give individuals outside the existing financial system a chance to create a new global profile with many other benefits.

Know what experts have to say about Cashaa:

ICO Details:

Public sale is starting on 6th November

For more information on how to participate, visit https://Cashaa.com

Team Cashaa
The Next Generation Banking Platform for The Next Billion

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