How to choose a waterproof power supply?

1 min readJul 29, 2022

1. Choose the suitable strength. So that you can increase the life span of your rainproof led power supply, you can choose a rated version by having an production strength going above 30 %.

2. Choose the correct feedback voltage specs. Take into account the load qualities. If the weight is a engine. For light bulbs or capacitive plenty, when the instantaneous current is big at start-up, an appropriate power supply ought to be determined in order to avoid overload. In the event the fill is really a motor unit, voltage give back is highly recommended when halting.

3. Moreover, also, it is essential to look at the working background temperature from the power source and no matter if there are further auxiliary cooling down products. If the ambient temperature is simply too substantial, the output needs to be lessened. Ambient temperatures decreases production potential.


Precautions for using a waterproof power supply.

What are the interference factors of switching power supply?

Why do many people use led power supply?

