2 min readJan 24, 2023


Board responds to Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA Concerns

Here a large group of former and present CASPCA employees and volunteers sent a second letter to the Board of Directors:

The Board’s Response

CASPCA Concerns,

The Board of Directors of the Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA has heard your concerns. We take them seriously. The Board of Directors, like many of you, want the future of the CASPCA to be bright. We are dedicated to the CASPCA’s future as a “best in class” shelter for the local community, the region, and all the animals that come into our care. In all cases, we want to ensure that those animals’ lives are made better by coming through our doors.

The Board intends to pursue diligently the goals of making the shelter a better place for both the animals and the hard-working employees and volunteers on whom they rely. We believe that Angie Gunter is the best person to lead this effort forward and she will continue to act as the CASPCA’s CEO. The CEO and the Board will work closely together to ensure that your concerns about staff development, workplace enhancement, and organizational and leadership development are addressed in a meaningful way. We ask for your patience as this process moves forward.


Jenn Corbey

CASPCA Concerns’ reply to the Board:

Ms. Corbey,

To say this response is disappointing would be an understatement.

Angie’s actions, over the course of her tenure, have been egregious. Her systematic targeting of employees and unprofessional behavior have resulted in an understaffed and overworked environment. This, combined with the high-level behavioral dogs housed in the shelter with no training resources (including two dogs who have been quarantined for bites on humans five times each), is dangerous to the Charlottesville community. Your inaction and refusal to properly investigate shows the Board’s complicity in this hostile powderkeg.

Nothing you have done merits our or the community’s patience. As a Board, you have ignored similar complaints for at least four years. We demand action to see Angie removed as CEO and a competent leader appointed in her place. The staff, animals, and community deserve better and have for a long time.

We are attaching more letters we have received since yesterday:
Letter from Michael Stack, former volunteer

Anonymous letter from former employee in the adoptions and foster departments

Anonymous letter from former staff member, employed at CASPCA for nearly ten years

CASPCA Concerns group of more than seventy-five current and former employees and volunteers

