DaybydayCRM becomes open-source

Casper Bottelet
4 min readJun 23, 2020


Let me introduce myself and DaybydayCRM.
my name is Casper I’m from Denmark and I’ve been programming for around 4–5 years and worked on DaybydayCRM a little over a year

Reach out on.

The Github project can be found here:

4 years-ish ago I developed Flarepoint-CRM which was an open-source CRM system written in PHP Laravel. I developed Flarepoint as a way to learn PHP and Laravel I then asked for some feedback on the different forums such as Reddit, Laracasts, etc, with the intent of getting some constructive criticism that way I could improve, and I got some, some which I implemented, others I didn’t some of the implementations I have regretted but that’s how it is when developing an application.

I then worked on Flarepoint-CRM in a private repo over the last year a bit off and on and have turned it into which is a very upgraded version of Flarepoint, delivered as a sass product.

Why Open-source it?

I have been thinking a lot about which strategy I wanted to go with if it should be only private, public and private, should I sell it as a dependent system, I could try selling the source code, on places like code canyon and not do the sass option, etc

Most of the sign-ups on comes from Github, and I feel that is a very good reason to offer an open-source solution as well, the hosted solution will still be available and get priority of new features, support, etc. But I will be keeping an open road-map on Github, along with issues, and a much more open plan.

What does DaybydayCRM offer that Flarepoint-CRM didn’t?

First of all the entire design has changed, become much nicer(I think :)) and just generally a better flow through all the screens. To give a few examples look at the below images.

Customer/Client view (Old/New)
Invoice view (Old/New)
Dashboard/Startpage view (Old/New)

There have been added new features such as:

  • Timeline calendar
  • Appointments
  • Absence for vacation, sick leave, or something else.
  • File integrations
  • Lead qualifications
  • Projects, which can contain many tasks.
  • Activity logging
  • Global search

For more information on features look at the readme on Github or

For changes in Version 1.3.7 to 2.0.0 look here, or on the release page for 2.0.0. on Github.

Release notes:

  1. Introduced a horizontal calendar for users to see appointments they have and other users have, with the ability to link to a lead, task, or project.
  2. Absence tracking, the ability for users with the “HR permission” to see users’ absence and add absence for given user, all users can add absence on their profile, absences are reflected in the calendar, so it’s easy to get an overview
  3. A lead will start by being unqualified and can now be converted to a qualified lead, to an order/invoice, or be directly closed in the new sidebar view, for unqualified leads which have been re-written to VueJs.
  4. Information and activity sidebar has been added for Tasks, Projects and leads, to easily get an overview of the necessary information, and the flow of a given source.
  5. Added the option to attach files to tasks, clients, and projects, which can be everything from contracts on the customers to wireframes on a given project.
  6. Overall a lot of design changes, new colors, and better flow through different screens.
  7. Added a topbar, to easily access user’s settings, the possibility to register absence, see the notification, actions, etc.
  8. Made Status Polymorphic, so down the road, it’s possible to add your status from the UI for the different sources such as tasks.
  9. Made more settings, able to set Company name, country, vat percentage, and open business hours.
  10. Set a starting Invoice number, and the customer number the default is 10000 and will increment for each created invoice, and customer.
  11. It’s now possible to set Currency and vat percentage.
  12. Made invoices more a bit more complex with calculating taxes, adding the currency for the given country.
  13. Te first time logging in the user will be prompted to give some basic information from step 9.
  14. Global search, users can activate or deactivate Elasticsearch in config/services if Elasticsearch is disabled(default) it will user query search.
  15. Projects have been introduced as a project is a wrapper for many tasks, and give you the options to move tasks around in their different status on a scrum like board.
  16. Generally, a lot of refactoring of the code, some for better some for worse, add some more tests.

