Electron is Cancer

You Wouldn’t Want to Spread Cancer, Would You?

Casper Beyer
Commit Log


Beating a dead horse

A while back I posted some benchmarks comparing Nano, Vim and Sublime against Atom and Visual Studio Code, the latter two being Electron.js based applications and the results were somewhat expected. Electron applications are fat bastards that like to munch on your memory and I’m definitively not the first one to make note of that.


Atom uses around around one gigabyte of memory to edit a single medium sized file.

In that article I went fairly soft on Electron and did not really take any jabs at it. I just ran through the numbers I got doing the benchmarks on my daily carry laptop.

What was interesting to me however was the feedback for that article which was overwhelmingly in support for Electron.js and most went something along the lines of the following;

Well, it works fine on my machine, and I only have 32 gigabytes of ram.

- Silicon Valley Developer, 2017

If that’s you, well then that’s good for you, but just because something performs “well enough” on your machine doesn’t mean there are not any performance problems. You are…



Casper Beyer
Commit Log

Indie Game Developer, Professional Software Developer and Expert Jak Shaver. Working on Deno.