In Memory of Dennis Ritchie

Remembering The Creator of Steve Jobs, Linus Torvalds and Bill Gates

Casper Beyer
Commit Log


A few days after Steve Jobs passed; on October 12th in 2011 Dennis Ritchie passed away at the age of 70.

At the time everyone was talking about how Jobs changed computing, while there is no doubt that the Apple cult has been a success they could never have done it without Ritchie and co.

We’ve had two Jobs movies, I say it’s time for a Bell Labs movie!

Why? Well, Dennis and friends were extremely productive while working over at Bell Labs, amongst other things he co-created Unix with Ken Thompson, he wrote the book on the C programming language along with Brian Kerningan and he also wrote the language itself.

The World Runs on Unix

It’s safe to say that Unix turned out to be a great successes, Unix became the golden standard for operating system, OS X, Linux, Android, Chrome OS, PlayStation and even the Nintendo Switch are Unix-like systems.



Casper Beyer
Commit Log

Indie Game Developer, Professional Software Developer and Expert Jak Shaver. Working on Deno.