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Getting Started on Flutter World: Part 1 — Environment Configuration

Cassia Barbosa


It’s been a while since I appeared here, but it’s because I was experiencing to Flutter world, yeah, now I'm almost Julius, I have two jobs :0

I'll write a series of Introduction to Flutter, from beginning, until be able to code an real application, adding analytics, push notifications, database and more!

The first step is to configure your environment to support Flutter coding. Just a reminder, I'll add steps to configure on MacBook, since, to run on iOS, we need Xcode, and we only can install XCode on MacBook.
So, let's do that:

Configuring the Enviroment

Install Brew on terminal using this command line:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

After installing Brew, install Git using this command:

brew install git

Install OpenJDK:

MacBook with Intel:

brew install openjdk@8

MacBook with Apple Silicon:

brew install openjdk@11

Installing VSCode

brew install --cask visual-studio-code

Installing extensions on VSCode:

Go to extension icon, or press shift+command+X, search and install:
Dart-Code.dart-code (Dart)
Dart-Code.flutter (Flutter)

Install Android Studio:

brew install --cask android-studio

After installing, open Android Studio, go to Plugins tab, search and install:

Installing Flutter on your machine:

brew install --cask flutter

After installed, run flutter doctor to make sure everything is ok with configurations

Installing Dart Language on your machine:

brew install dart-sdk

In order to run your applications on Android and iOS, we need to create emulators/simulators.

Android Studio:
Go to More Actions -> Virtual Device Manager -> Create Device -> Choose a screen -> Next -> Choose the OS (I recommend to choose Android 12.0 for now) -> Next -> Give a name for your device -> Finish

Go to App Store -> search for XCode -> Click on Install.

Well, now you have all steps to start Flutter coding… See you in the next one,

where we are gonna learn how to run the code :)

