10 Different Ways to Maintain Creativity

Cassidy Grace
3 min readMay 18, 2020


Lady with her back turned looking at different art on all the walls

Creativity is an important aspect of how we can unwind, and forget about the stresses of life and work. Here are some ways you become and maintain creativity in your week.

  1. Try something new

It could be cooking a dish you’ve never attempted before, taking a cold shower. What about doing some yoga that you’ve thought about for months or start learning a language. Give it a go and who knows what you might end up enjoying.

Silhouette of someone doing a yoga pose with trees and water in the background

2. Get out of your routine!

Routines are comfortable but repetitive tasks and habits may feel a bit mundane. Add something creative into your weekly routine, it could motivate you to keep it up. Do something different and it could encourage others to do the same.

3. Make a list of goals/ideas

Making a list of things you would like to do, or what you would like to achieve can help solidify some goals you’ve had on your mind. Whether it’s learning to play an instrument or trying to write some poetry, write it down!

4. Change up your environment

Add some colour onto the walls, put up some posters or give yourself a little project by redecorating or changing up your space. This could spark up some creativity.

5. Get some fresh air

So this is easier said than done, especially if you’ve turned into a couch potato in the current lockdown situation. Do some exercise or go for a walk, whilst strengthening the mind and body all in one.

Sillhouette of a lady and her dog on a bench on a hill looking down at a beautiful view of the town

6. Meditate

Meditation can help clear the mind and could help change your perspective on things.

7. Write things down

Use a notebook to write down thoughts, feelings, and anything else you have in mind. Writing is a therapeutic and calming way to express yourself.

8. Read more

Reading is a good way to learn something new and help you to unwind.

9. Spend more time with other creative people.*

Artistic people could encourage you to explore your side of creativity further and encourage creative flow. If you can’t meet up in person, maybe video chat, have a Skype & Draw session or something.

10. Go to a creative space!*

Due to the current pandemic — this isn’t really possible right now, but when life resumes as before; visit an art gallery, photography exhibition or attend a poetry/music open mic night. Surround yourself with all different art forms could help to maintain some creative energy.

There you have it. Hopefully, this is some inspiration to change things up and keep the creativity going!



Cassidy Grace

Clueless & curious. Media & Journalism Student, UK.