Happiness is Magic

What does happiness look like? I’ve seen it, once or twice. It is magical.

Cassie Brighter
Brighter Thoughts


So what is happiness, anyway?

I’m thinking about my first moment of intense happiness.

I was six years old.

The whole family coming back from Church, my father handing me the keys to the house. I open the door, and there they are — two gleaming new bicycles. My first bike. And my brother picked the blue one, so I got the red one — the one I wanted. Such intense happiness.

And not only that — a thousand moments riding that bicycle over the next few years. Freedom. Adventure. Magic.

So, what is happiness? Things? Presents? Maybe. Maybe not so much.

Happiness is realizing that I can get something amazing. That I might deserve something amazing. And happiness is knowing that amazing things can happen to me.

Happiness is agency. Happiness is freedom, adventure, and magic.

My next moment of intense happiness was at sixteen.
A whole week of deep, intimate conversations with God.
(To clarify, I’m an atheist now. But hear me out.)
I don’t mean prayer. I mean talks, like buddies.
If that was prayer, it sure was bossy, and entitled.
It certainly was… certain.



Cassie Brighter
Brighter Thoughts

Activist. Public speaker. Writer. Community Organizer. Mom. Creator & Host, Empowered Trans Woman Summit. Managing Editor, EmpoweredTransWoman.com