The End of White Civilization

Is Eurocentric culture dying out?

Cassie Brighter
Brighter Thoughts


There are ideologues who angrily talk about immigrants from Africa, from India, from Latin America ‘invading’ the Eurocentric White world, and scared that Whites will soon be a minority.

Let’s get three things straight.

When there’s talk about White people becoming ‘another minority,’ they’re not talking about a world where there are less Caucasians than Hispanics. Or Blacks. They’re talking about White folks STILL outnumbering all other ethnicities in typically White countries, but being less than 51% of the population. And some of this would be via immigration, some of it would be by birth rate, but some of it is through racial mix — through the wonderful magic of races coming together through love, and bringing children into this world that transcend race.

Secondly, if you go out and enslave and colonize the rest of the world, then annex all these countries into your empire, and then, as you become more ‘enlightened’ you move into a commonwealth, wouldn’t you expect these peoples you’ve ‘assimilated’ to consider moving into a nicer neighborhood (i.e. near yours)?



Cassie Brighter
Brighter Thoughts

Activist. Public speaker. Writer. Community Organizer. Mom. Creator & Host, Empowered Trans Woman Summit. Managing Editor,