Capstone: User Testing

Cassie Gebhart
2 min readAug 17, 2023


Hi, and welcome back!

If you have been following along throughout my capstone journey then you should know that a pivotal point in the process has been reached! That’s right, I am talking about user testing.

User testing is an incredibly important part of the design process because it allows you to really focus on the user’s experience. The type of information that I was looking for from my users was to ensure that their experience navigating through my app (Rubbish) was as flawless as possible. To get this feedback from my users, I asked my users a series of questions about the overall function of the app, its design, what features they liked or disliked, etc.


  1. What was your first impression of the app?
  2. What confused/annoyed you about the app?
  3. What features did you like most about the app?
  4. On a scale of 1–5, 1 being the worst, and 5 being the best, how would you rate your overall experience navigating through the app?
  5. Are there any features that you would add to the app?
  6. Are there any features you expected to find/see but didn’t?
  7. On a scale of 1–5, 1 being the worst, and 5 being the best, how satisfied are you with the look and feel of the app?
  8. What features did you like least about the app?
  9. Is there anything about the app that did not function how you thought it would?
  10. Were the onboarding screens informative enough to help you to understand what the app is about?


Bill — 63, and manages pollution prevention at a company

Lizzy — 25, and is a huge animal and nature lover

Dan — 26, and enjoys volunteering and giving back to the community

I selected the above users because they all had one thing in common which was caring about their environment, what littering can do to nature and animals, and they all would be willing to give back to their community.

What My Testers Liked:

  • App is well-designed
  • Loved the style of the app
  • Thought the calendar page functioned well
  • Thought the onboarding screens were easy to understand and helpful
  • Loved the quirky, fun personality of the app
  • Like that the app is trying to solve the littering crisis in our world but in a fun way

What My Testers Disliked:

  • One user was unsure how to see the rest of the badges
  • Another user disliked how the menu functioned

Overall, it seemed that all three testers really enjoyed my app. Most of all the feedback I received was positive, and they didn’t have very many suggestions for improvement. The biggest complaint was when you click on the screen, the menu pops up versus the user just clicking on the hamburger icon. That is one element/feature that I really want to fix because it makes it difficult for the user to interact with the other features of my app.



Cassie Gebhart

Hi, everyone! My name is Cassie, and I am a full-time online student at Maryville University majoring in Digital Media.