What has your heart?

Cassie Sibila
4 min readMar 16, 2018

“With my whole heart I seek You; do not allow me to wander from Your commandments” (Psalm 119:10, MEV).

In this weeks post, my goal is to challenge you and encourage you to allow God to help evaluate yourself- more specifically, your heart. Some live fully surrendered lives in constant pursuit of the heart of Christ. Others live lives with divided hearts, their attention focused on worldly values or their flesh’s desires. So today I ask you: What has your heart? Is your heart in a relationship, in a job, in school? Is it putting value in friendships you know are toxic? Is it holding onto grudges or unforgiveness?

What has your heart that’s keeping you from giving God your all?

The more I dig into God’s word, the more I uncover the desire God has for us to live our lives fully devoted to Him. He wants your whole heart; never bits and pieces. Giving parts of your heart to desires that don’t align with His word or His plan for you won’t leave much room for God to move in your heart and allow for transformation. What has your attention has your heart, and what has your heart controls your attitude. Empty yourself out of what you are holding onto, and begin to let God fill your whole heart.

“But I fear that somehow your pure and undivided devotion to Christ will be corrupted, just as Eve was deceived by the cunning ways of the serpent” (2 Corinthians 11:3, NLT).

Paul writes to the Corinthians that we will be tempted to lure away from God’s devotion because we live in a fallen world where our desires don’t always align with God’s. I believe there are some indicators we can ask ourselves to evaluate if our hearts are divided. Spiritually divided hearts are always wandering, inconsistent, selfish, fearful, malnourished, and unstable. When Jesus has your whole heart, you are fruitful, loving, courageous, discerning, peaceful, witnessing, and a servant.

“Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be” (Matthew 6:21, NLT).

Like I said earlier, what has your attention has your heart. What do you do in your spare time? What do you find yourself focusing on the most? What do you put value in when planning your daily routine? Do you wake up daily and hit snooze, or do you have planned time with God where you pray and do your daily devotions? Do you only attend church a few times a year, or are you planted in His house? Do you sit on social media more than you read your Bible? Do you choose to hold onto a relationship you know is toxic rather than allowing God to move you into something greater? Do you find yourself doing what you want to do rather than what God wants you to do? The list goes on and on.

I have found that our heart’s naturally gravitate to what we focus on. I don’t know about you, but I want to live a life that is fully surrendered to God, gravitating to the good and perfect gifts and wisdom He has graciously placed before me. When you fully surrender yourself, and give up the things that are holding you back, it truly allows for the greatest potential for God to work. Your path will redirect to His perfect plans for you, your daily mindset will renew, and blessings will flow from your desire to be obedient.

Every time I read through the scriptures I mentioned today, I am reminded to check my heart’s status. Am I wholeheartedly seeking His will or am I offering up only pieces I prefer? I encourage you to ask yourself, “What has my heart?” and encourage you to be still and let go of the things that God wants you to hand to Him. He is so worthy of our heart’s undivided attention.

Thank you all for bearing with me as I navigate publishing posts consistently. This one was inspired by a note in my phone I had written December 17, 2016 at 1:42 a.m. I want to hear your results as you evaluated YOUR heart-so send me a message on Instagram or email me at cassiesibila@yahoo.com.

Have a wonderful and blessed week! May God help you seek Him with all of your heart and guide you to stay on the path He has laid before you. I hope he places something on your heart that He wishes for you to surrender, for He is so worthy of our heart’s full attention.



Cassie Sibila

26-year-old writer striving to encourage and inspire others to live a life full of authenticity, passion, and self-love. Not currently active.