Three ground-breaking crowdsales coming on Waves Platform

4 min readMar 20, 2017

MobileGo, EncryptoTel and ZrCoin are all launching crowdsales in the coming weeks — and all are unique in their own way.

With the release of the Bitcoin gateway and with DEX and fiat gateways in active development, Waves platform is coming of age. A series of projects have already launched on Waves, thanks to its powerful and accessible token facilities. Over the next two months, at least three major businesses will hold their own crowdfunds — each of them addressing the needs of a different sector with the unique proposition offered by blockchain technology.


Zirconium Dioxide (ZrO2). It’s not sexy, but it is highly in-demand as a refractory material in the production of ceramics, amongst other things. A team of international researchers have come up with a way to extract it from waste materials, rather than mining it from the ground. The result is a higher-quality, more cost-effective and environmentally-friendly form of zirconium. The Russia-based team is seeking to roll out production on a larger scale, but venture capital funds come with unacceptable strings attached and the banks won’t deal with projects this small.

ZrCoin’s solution is a blockchain-based option for ZrO2. It’s the first such blockchain commodity of its type, making it an innovative financial as well as technological project. Investors will buy an option for ZrCoin, each representing 1kg of synthetic ZrO2, at a discount during the crowdfund. This will be bought back at market price once production and sales are under way. As a commodity-backed token, it will be freely transferable but also stable in value — making it a way for traders to park or store value on the blockchain.

ZrCoin’s crowdsale will launch at the beginning of April and will last for 30 days. For more information, register on the website.


The telecommunications industry is expanding rapidly thanks to the growth of new VoIP technologies, though older telephone infrastructure is falling from use. Most offices typically use a form of IPPBX (Internet Protocol Public Branch Exchange), an internal phone network hooked up to the internet as well as the external phone system. These can be fairly inefficient. Additionally, the more we communicate, the more surveillance becomes a problem, whether that is conducted by home or foreign governments, corporations or hackers. Aside from the civil liberties issues associated with this, industrial espionage is an increasing issue.

EncryptoTel’s Team met whilst working for a telecommunications company and realised they could create a solution that was better than anything currently on the market. They have already built a working beta for a virtual PBX that can be deployed and used by anyone, individuals or companies, with no additional hardware or infrastructure required beyond an existing internet-enabled device and a web connection. All communication is encrypted, payments using cryptocurrencies are enabled for added privacy, and the multiplatform approach supports a wide range of softphone and communications apps for video and audio calling and instant messaging.

EncryptoTel’s crowdsale will open on 1 May and will last for one month. The funding will allow them to complete their product and market it aggressively into the VoIP sector.


Gaming is a $100 billion industry and growing fast. Large amounts of money are moved into and out of in-game economies every day, but this is an inefficient process that is riven by problems thanks to the nature of the legacy banking system. Deposit limits, delays and poor exchange rates make it difficult and frustrating for gamers to transfer cash to their chosen games.

Gamecredits has been working to address this issue for three years. The cryptocurrency is a Litecoin clone, just about the simplest of crypto tokens, since that’s all it needs to be. Using GAME, it’s possible to move money into and out of, but also between, games — with the near-frictionless payments that blockchain currencies allow. It’s an ideal use case for crypto, and one that has been picked up by a major developer, Datcroft, who are helping to market the idea to the entire gaming industry.

MobileGo is the marketing fund for that project. It’s designed to drive GAME adoption within the gaming industry through a very neat mobile gaming platform that has already attracted hundreds of game developers. All game payments will be channelled through GAME, increasing demand markedly, whilst MobileGo will receive revenues from the commission paid on this when users buy it through the credit card-enabled GameCredits wallet.

The MobileGo crowdsale begins on 25 April and will last for one month. You can find out more on the GameCredits website.

These three projects alone show how blockchain tech is going mainstream in 2017 — and there’s plenty more coming for Waves.




UK-based cryptocurrency communicator. Class of 2014.