What do I need to know dating about Japanese women

Mariam Patterson
3 min readOct 24, 2019


Just know that dating is one thing, getting married to Japanese is another. I was married to my wife 16 years girl, she was Ok at first but totally changed once she pumped out a couple of kids. Maybe she was always like that, had a game plan, but I was too clueless to recognise it


First know that 99% of women here don’t speak English. If you find one that does, all power to you as she may have traveled or lived overseas. When she lives back in Japan she will go back into Japan-mode.

Some women like to date foreigners as they prefer foreign men. I know of a couple who even only date black guys. ESID.

there are all kinds, some are independent and working, others are just waiting to get married so they can marry and have kids and be a housewife. Women's lib doesn't really exist in the same way it does in America. In my experience women wield a lot of the power in the home, usually control the purse strings and will make the major purchasing decisions (with husbands money of course)
My wife had a very assertive personality, as time went on it transmogrified into Monster mama, Tiger and controlling bitch from hell. her opinion was the only one that mattered. she might listen to you politely but do it her way anyway.

Women here tend to play a role. Be it the ditzy airhead bimbo, the office lady or the housewife, once she has kids she becomes less of a partner and wife but more of a mother figure. If you are dating she is checking you out for marriage material. looking at your finances, your job, and how well you can provide for her.

When you marry a Japanese girl you marry into the family so it pays to get on with the In-laws. My wife was impressed by fact I had lots of lawyers and professionals in my family and had a good background. They will look into that as well.

If you have kids know that chances are you are pretty well stuck here. Its pretty hard to fly a family of kids around the world, as trip home can easily cost you 10 grand in airfares and hotels and taxis. There is schooling also to think of. My kids went through Japanese schools and turned out OK but its pretty much a toss-up when you have hafu-kids.

Nearly 50% of Japan’s singles have no dating prospects: govt survey

Japan, the most developed country in Asia, has many incredibly cute girls who actually look like and behave like those pretty Japanese girls that you see on TV and in movies. In this article, both pros and cons regarding dating Japanese women will be discussed, so love doesn’t have to be blind.

Japanese girls are the cutest in the whole world. I don’t think you can find girls in other countries that are as cute as Japanese girls — they are just super cute in every detail — the clothes they wear, the makeup they use, the way they walk, the way they talk…. Japan is a country which focuses on delicate beauty in detail — this is not common in any other country in the world. Just go to a store which sells Japanese gifts or things made in Japan, you’ll appreciate the beauty in every detail of every item. Similarly, if you meet a pretty Japanese girl, you will also enjoy the subtlety and the sophistication of her beauty.

