The reasons behind my 12 marathons in 12 months from 2016 which later kick started

Cat Woods
3 min readNov 22, 2019


Okay, so it’s a challenge that many ultra or marathon runners don’t see as a challenge and for non-runners see as plain madness! All that aside this is the challenge I’ve set myself for 2016.

After what feels like countless failed ballot attempts to get into the London Marathon, it’s actually only 8, I decided about four months ago when the infamous magazine landed on the doormat to create a bigger challenge for myself.

My confidence has been heightened by knocking 30mins off my half marathon time at the Poppy Half in November 2015. And for those that were running any of the events that day know it wasn’t the kindest of conditions that day!

For those that know me understand I’m not a super fast runner by any stretch of the imagination but nonetheless I’ve certainly improved since my early running days. Being a member of Orpington Road Runners has given me self belief and endless encouragement, I’d have never thought several years ago before I shed four and half stone that I’d be running 6 miles with ease on a weekday night, and now my training’s being stepping up I’m finding a half marathon distance now an easy weekend run.

Since I began planning my challenge I’ve followed Luke Tyburski’s achievement of the ultimate triathlon; 20 swim, 1,300km cycle and 14 marathons in 7 days travelling from Morocco to Monaco, and then Ben Smith who is well into his 401 challenge; 401 marathons in 401 days. Both of which make my challenge look like a tiny adventure! Nonetheless having not run the distance as yet it will certainly be a personal challenge. Fair enough I’ve completed two full Moonwalks in recent years so I’ve at least covered the distance, but running it brings a whole set of things to consider; injury being at the top of the list.

My plan was slightly scuppered by an injury a few months back and which is still niggling now. The plan was to have 6 weeks of Personal Training sessions to strengthen my legs alas that has been put on hold due to being made redundant. Such is life! However, I’ve not allowed that to halt my 2016 challenge and if anything motivated me more as I’ve had something to focus on. Needless to say as soon as I’m back in employment I’ll definitely be rearranging these sessions as I’m going to need it to keep up more strength for the next twelve months.

And so to the challenge, this time in two weeks I’ll have completed my first marathon distance! I won’t list out the events I’ve entered or planning to do, but I’ll be posting up each event as I complete each one.

For those who have been asking me, I will be raising money for Mind in collaboration with Orpington’s Road Runner’s charity for 2016. A charity which is close to my heart! Please if you can and are able contribute for such a worthy cause — here’s the all important link — 12 in 12 months



Cat Woods

Project Manager | Blogger | Runner | Cyclist | Photographer | Retoucher