How Cafes can Become Eco-Friendly

Catalina Gutierrez
6 min readJun 6, 2019


Emirati Eco-friendly Cafe, in Dubai.

The distressing consequences of our poor behaviours and choices towards the environment have resulted in an increase of awareness and fight to take action. Most actions made by humans are now more and more damaging the earth, from global warming and climate change to the amounts of plastic filling up our numerous tips or landfills to excessive rubbish in the oceans, harming marine life, to which all have rippling effects. I am always wanting to try and explore new cafes as I am a #coffeelover, however cafes are a small-scale component contributing to the number of plastic disposals is the hospitality industry.

Cafes are mostly known for supplying luscious, freshly brewed coffee while supplying their freshly made pastries alongside a menu of delicious meals adequate for breakfast or lunch, or like the new term ‘brunch’ (between breakfast and lunch). A majority offer, the takeaway option for those who buy coffee and breakfast on the run before work, or take leftovers home to eat later on. However, the single-use equipment is mainly made from plastic, causing damage to the environment.

The specific use of takeaway containers is a prime example of equipment that can be modified in order to be more eco-friendly. I conducted a small research task, interviewing 20 cafes in my local area, to which requested to remain anonymous, about their behaviors and the material of their single-use equipment. More then half of the population stated to use cardboard takeaway containers while the remaining stated to still use plastic containers.

Both material containers are able to hold and sustain the food fresh, however, it is known that the cost of plastic containers in manufacturing is cheaper, therefore more convenient for smaller or independent cafes. It is evident that the change of plastic to cardboard will minimise the amount of overall disposed plastic items, therefore, current statistics — 9% of plastic recycled, 11% incinerated, while the 79% remaining is located in landfills, dumps and environment nature.

The increase in awareness of environmentally friendly practices has also become a trend within the hospitality industry. Whilst following and contributing to the trend, cafes are able to maintain and/or potentially increase the number of customers whilst becoming eco-friendly –talk about a #winwin situation for the café and environment. Another element of equipment that I believe began the whole eco-friendly movement was the substitute of paper or cardboard straws from plastic.

Plastic straws are one of the main items of rubbish that end up in the ocean, due to its flexible nature, able to be bent into small spaces, consisting in the 8 million tonnes of plastic in the ocean per year. It is one of the main components as they are used not only cafes but also in all fast food outlets. The number of plastic straws used in the numerous fast food outlets is dreadful — I have recently read that certain outlets may possibly be using paper straws instead, which is enlightening.

Cafes are known to serve beverages that require straws such as iced coffee, smoothies, and milkshakes, resulting in a lot of straws being used. The switch to paper or cardboard would make a highly big impact on reducing the amount of plastic that is disposed of. However, cafes have also taken into consideration the use of reusable material straws including metal and glass. The stainless steel metal straws aren’t as popular in use, from my research with only 5% using metal straws. No café, in my researched stated to use glass straws, which to me makes sense, as it is easier to dispose plastic or paper straws instead of the labour of cleaning and washing the metal and glass straws. The population displayed that 40% use paper straws to which I am sure will rise, overruling the remaining of 55% using plastic straws.

Another small aspect that I found to be interesting is the use of cardboard cutlery, replacing plastic, mainly distributed with takeaway meals. There have been reports of it being inefficient as the cardboard becomes soft and loses its function, in particular forks and knives. The goal of these eco-friendly cutleries is for a material to be sturdy enough to maintain its shape and function through the moist of food, however not too sturdy that it won’t break down in the environmental.

Besides the change in equipment to alternative materials that are eco-friendly, other behaviours that can also benefit the environment is obtaining a compost for the disposal of food scraps and used coffee beans. The function of the compost allows for organic material to decompose, which minimises the amount of landfill. The disposal of food scraps, for example, fruit and vegetable remaining’s allow for its nutritious value to assist for the soil or garden to flourish. If you are unable to obtain a compost due to limited space, placing food scraps in the same soil as plants is another alternative and will assist in the growth of the plants. Plants and gardens were evident in all the cafes, I visited as it created a sense of nature and the use of natural ingredients, forming an inviting environment. The plantation of food scraps has its process and requirements can be found on -

Along with the disposal of food scraps, coffee beans also present great use for composts or gardens. Coffee beans have been identified as a great source of fertiliser, which assists the growth of plants. It also presents elements of nitrogen in the compost to which filters the compost. It also contributes with other properties to which greatly assist in the growth of crop that cafes may grow themselves, further supporting the #environment. It seems clear that the disposal of food scraps and coffee beans through a compost bin or garden will reduce waste in landfill.

Barista making coffee.

As a coffee lover, I am always looking for new ways to drink my coffee, usually new innovative coffee mugs. From personal experience, I have attended many cafes that are flexible with the use of personal coffee mugs. Some allow for the customer to bring their own mugs, while others offer customer discounts to those who bring their own mug. I found this interesting, as it is an effective way to invite individuals to be a part of minimising takeaway coffee cup waste. However, the café that presents this alternative, is promoting environmentally friendly behaviours to also minimise waste in landfills. This offer may also increase clientele while the café continues to make a profit and grow.

Overall, cafes have the ability to become eco-friendly through various methods. Whilst the topic of preserving the environment is of high profile, it has also become a trend that many cafes are following to stay updated and trending. Some methods in which cafes can become eco-friendly is switching a plastic material item, ideally for something that is biodegradable or placing disposals of food scraps and coffee beans in a compost bin or garden. The customer discount for those who present their own mug may affect the business dynamic but is also among the other methods to reduce the amount of waste in the landfill. I believe each café should adapt their own methods and modify it to fit their café, however, ask yourselves should the local council also take responsibility and promote eco-friendly trait as the environment needs all the help it can get. Further ways in which cafes can go eco-friendly and their effect is in this article —

Remember to save the #environment

