SALE OFF Some girls are just born with aloha spirit in their souls poster

3 min readOct 14, 2020


Mr. Den ran for a while when he pulled into an empty lot with some bushes. So he and Huy, X fell into the dust. Me and the other 2 were waiting. There were two other aunts drove from the small alley, saw Mr. Black, the two aunts blushed sheepishly. Huy and X, seeing that, also turned away, leaning into the dust. Black, on the other hand, was comfortable, whistling like nothing.

Buy it here: Some girls are just born with aloha spirit in their souls poster

- What are you looking at, Auntie? _ He asked with an extremely grim face The two women listened and looked away, running quickly past.
Continuing the journey, at this time, everyone started to feel hungry. Mr. Den took some loaves of meat bread bought along the way and distributed them to each person.
- Hey, Huy, one loaf, One cup, Khanh one… ..v… .v… _ Mr. Den divided the bread, everyone ate deliciously because he was too hungry.
- Come on take X, I’m not hungry. _ I give the cake to Mr. Black.
- Guy X a loaf.
- Thanks. _ The X does not eat, it is very strange.
- What’s wrong X? Tired? _ I asked it.

He just turned his head back to look at everyone eating and talking.
- I ate rice at noon …… _ While saying it while watching everyone eat. Speak slowly.
- Have something you say quickly. _ Guy Huy Education it.
- The rice is delicious … … then in the afternoon, we have another cup of tea. _ He spoke slowly again and watched everyone eat.
- But now I’m still hungry and I can’t eat this bread. _ It told me.
- What happened? _ I ask.

- Because big brother Black just took bread to distribute to everyone, but a while ago he did something in the dust, and then his hand held something that I thought he hadn’t washed his hands. _ It laughed with pleasure.
- The two children just heard him finish the sentence, opened the window of the car and spilled the bread and poured it into the street. Drinking water kicked his mouth continuously and cursed X guy too much.

- You guys overdo it, it’s even dirtier to eat on the street. Mr. Huy said and ate the rest of the bread.
- Only Huy can understand me, very good. Mr. Black said.
- So you know what he held a while ago? _ Did X turn down and ask?
- Then take the money, just hold the steering wheel but nothing. Mr. Huy answered calmly.
- That’s right, plus the one in the dust you and me also hold it.

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